Saturday, January 28, 2017


A few days ago I pressed a wrong number on the TV remote and chanced upon a program showing horses prancing thru dressage movements and working cattle. It was a demonstration-competition of wild mustangs that would be auctioned at the end of the performances. Every year the mustang heritage foundation offers horsemen and women, who have the knowledge and experience and facilities, the chance to gentle and train a wild mustang for public auction. After reading more about the event and checking out the Bureau of Land Management web pages, I learned the following:

Approximately 100 days before the competition is held, wild mustangs are randomly paired with a trainer who has applied and been approved by the Bureau of Land Management, (BLM). Each trainer and a wild mustang spend 100 days working together, preparing to compete in a handling and conditioning class, a pattern class and a leading and riding class. The top 10 competitors will then compete in a free style performance. At the conclusion of the event, all horses will be auctioned.

Mustangs have protected as National Treasures since 1971 when school children across the country wrote letters to congress, but due to declining resources and over population, horses are forced into government holding facilities where taxpayers spend millions of dollars on their care every year. According to the information on the Bureau of Land Management's web site, 42,000 horses in short-term and long-term corrals and pastures are in need of adoption.

Wild horses still roam on public lands, but BLM culls wild horses from the range in order to sustain natural resources, grass and water, necessary for horses and other wild life to continue living on public lands. Every time a horse is adopted and moved from BLM holding facilities, taxpayers are saved $10,000 per animal.

The mission of the mustang heritage foundation is to increase successful adoptions of the wild horses in these facilities. While transforming a wild horse into a sensitive equine partner, adoptions help protect wild herds for future generations.

The events for 2017 have been named Extreme Mustang Makeover. The 6 cities scheduled for this years events are:
  • Jacksonville, FL May 18-20
  • West Springfield, Mass, June 15-17
  • Reno, NV. June 23-24
  • Lexington, KY. July 6-8
  • Monroe, WA. Aug 17-19
  • Ft, Worth, TX Sept 14-16.

These events will feature wild mares, geldings, 4 to 7 years that have been living in BLM off range corrals.

Horse and trainer information, photos and videos of horses along with schedules can be found on:
Extreme Mustang Makeover

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Ripples 2 by KimB

[Editor's Note: Ripples is a serial story.
The author makes no guarantees as to completing the serial.
Publication dates are located in the left side menu.]

02 Cowboy Coffee

The twisted wet wood tossed into the slim walkway for drying, she entered the house.

Not really a house. Not really a place. Not really much of anything at all. Just a somewhere that provided partial shelter from the elements. The roof leaked; a stack of plastic catchalls awaited in a nearby corner. The gap under the doors, providing icy drafts in winter and humid hot draws in summer, had lumps of old towels pushed aside from the nights usage.

A worn kitchen table with two mismatched wobbly chairs, the highlights of the kitchen, held various cooking implements and on one chair, a stack of important papers. The kind of papers that never get sorted or put away, the kind one needs to have at hand but are rarely looked at once they are dropped on top of other equally important at hand papers. A listing pile in constant threat of slipping on to the worn flooring.

She placed the found phone on the table.

She turned to the cabinets, the paint worn from use, and began to prepare a cup of coffee. She smiled at the thought about how she would make the steaming liquid.

Long times past, percolators were the rage, with their boiled and brewed results. Later came drip coffee makers were the hot water was poured into a paper or sometimes gold filter holding the ground coffee. But before that was Cowboy Coffee. Boiling hot water poured directly over coarsely ground coffee. Using a tea strainer made it possible to sip of the dark brew without getting a mouthful of grounds.

She placed a glass measuring cup of water into the secondhand microwave then spooned the coffee grounds into another measuring cup. Glancing at the phone on the table, she waited for the water to bubble. Once bubbles formed along the glass sides, she poured it over the waiting grounds.

Setting her favorite, slightly chipped, mug on the table, she waited for the liquid to darkened and then she poured it through the tea strainer into the mug. She tapped the grounds from the tea strainer into a compost bucket at the sink and sat down.

Hot coffee in hand, she considered the phone on the table.

It was an expensive phone. It looked new.

Whoever had lost the phone didn't drink Cowboy Coffee from a chipped mug.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Ripples 1 by KimB

[Editor's Note: Ripples is a serial story.
The author makes no guarantees as to completing the serial.
Publication dates are located in the left side menu.]

01 The Beachcomber

The sun was just over the horizon.

The morning breeze was still cool and damp from the long night but the morning sun would soon change that. The water was at low tide; the best time. The sand was smooth and unmarked; there would still be some hours before the beach became crowded.

Like many mornings, she walked along the smooth sand, the soft tide spilling over her feet with its cold chill only to retreat away for a moment's respite and then flow back again, the cold a reminder of the night's hegemony.

Her eyes wandering from side to side, she scanned the waterline. You never knew what you would find. Old bottles, sea shells, trash bags, broken hunks of wood from rotting piers or waterlogged branches washed down from far off mountains and streams into the swirling waters. Battered by wave and sand into smoothed shapes, that dried again, made interesting and sometimes sellable items. People would buy the half decayed branches if they came from the shore.

There wasn't a lot on the shore this day. Perhaps a bit farther on, she thought. Perhaps the next wavelets would reveal the day's treasure. The tide gave and took away again. A race in slow motion.

There. She spotted it. She moved quickly to the twist of wood peeking up from the sand just above the damp line. Reaching down, she pulled it free. A nice trophy for the morning's walk.

She spotted something else there too. No longer hidden by the wood, it glinted in the morning light. She new what it was; the shape man made, the metallic edges visible, she picked it up and brushed bits of clinging sand from the surface.

Someone had lost their phone; now she had found it.

She looked around; the beach was empty still.

Saturday, January 07, 2017

Our Privacy Policy Update 2017 v2

[note: Editor's Post]

Privacy. Hmmm. What's that?
You might very well ask.

Privacy and The Right to Remain Anonymous are legal and social norms defined by people. Dogs don't have a right to privacy as anyone who has ever taken a dog out to "do his duty" can attest, but humans often "look away" just the same. Livestock have no choice about where they live or under what conditions; humans decide when, where and how they eat, sleep and reproduce. Even our "new zoos" use pervasive data acquisition in the pretense that they will learn something about the incarcerated animals they hold in various size pens, none of which are anywhere near the size of the animals' normal habitat.

Privacy is: What's in the eye of the beholder.

There are legal definitions that vary around the world and having to update our blog's "Privacy Policy" is just another tick in the box of "privacy compliance" requirements. Of course telling you about your privacy is rather "odd", as is our requirement to try to inform you about what is or isn't happening. By now, Mark Zuckerberg's infamous statement that "privacy is dead" appears to be a fait accompli. Just the same, we have to tell you about the ways in which your privacy has vanished.

There is no way we can tell you all, because we don't know "all". We know "some". We published our 2017 Privacy Policy Statement in December 2016 1. Within weeks, some new ways your privacy has been compromised were reported.

Data Harvesting was originally focused on the individual. Who you are, what you do, where you go and most important what you buy and why. After gathering much of that information, the Data Harvesters moved on to the people around you: family, children, friends, co-workers. They have gathered quite a bit about this aspect too. Now, they are moving towards harvesting data from people you do not know.

This may seem weird but what you don't know is actually more important that what you do know. One aspect of this is: "if you don't know" you might be more persuaded to Do X or Buy Y or Believe Z. Another phrase for this is:

There's a sucker born every minute...

The Data Harvested is combined by Data Aggregators into ginormous lumps which are sold to: Anyone Who Has Money.

Being able to combine data from various sources is one way to fill in the blanks or to show where the blanks are, like missing pieces of a jigsaw.

What DOES Alexa know?
  • What does Alexa know?
  • How DO you serve a warrant on an AI device?
  • If it's AI where does the Artificial split from the Intelligence?

Reports of a homicide, detailed that an Alexa AI device, which is similar to the Siri AI device, was "in the vicinity" of the homicide. The police believe the AI device may have "heard something". This is because the device is "always on" and while it's supposed to be listening for a command word like: Alexa change the channel or Alexa play for me, it sometimes turns on "by accident". This accidental data is stored and forwarded.

There are 2 places that can store the captured audio data: a) it can be stored "in the cloud" and b) it can be stored in the audio buffer on the device. Think about this last part a bit. The device needs to store "some" part of your conversation in case you use Reverse Polish like Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Tea, Earl Grey, Hot. The so-called AI device cannot make tea until it knows the last part of the command. It has to store some quantity of speech until it gets enough "intelligence" to either make the tea or decides you don't what the tea at all.
  • Tea, Earl Grey, Hot
  • Tea, Earl Grey, Hot, Not

So questioning Alexa is of prime importance! If Alexa refuses to answer on the basis of being an Artificial entity, they can always strip her down to her bare chips and PEEK that way.

Another possible witness to the crime is "The Smart Meter" installed by the utility company. A large part of the population in urban areas have these "smart meters" installed. Their "smart" part is in making all the Human Meter Readers redundant while allowing the automation of utility billing systems. Since these meters provide precise data about your utility use, they can be very helpful. Were the lights on at 3AM? Did you wash the car or take a shower at 3AM? Or maybe, you were washing the victim's blood off the porch as noted by the large amount of water usage recorded by the Smart Meter at 3AM?

This line of questioning and rebuttal could become common.
  • A red light camera captures and logs your image 300 miles away from the time in question (allowing for time zone differences) but only if you can find the right city, jurisdiction or tow truck service that holds images from their face recognition and ANPR (automatic number plate recognition) programs to prove it.
  • Or, possibly, the red light camera captured and logged your image within 10 minutes of the locale in question; your cell phone's dictation and speech recognition system captured the evening's dialogue while live streaming the encounter and the nearby Alexa/Siri recorded and uploaded the damning details.

The perfect witnesses? Sounds good!!

Recently, while comparing conflicting local weather reports with friends, no two smartphones could agree on the next day's weather. It was either going to be raining (iPhone) or sunny (not iPhones)2, a friend quipped:

"To each his own smartphone technology"

If a "smart" phone can't even report the weather which it retrieves from the cloud, when anyone with a IDIOT device can turn on your watering system from "way over yonder", when security is a NULL for every internet connection and database, plus there are legions of billing errors claimed by utilities and corporations as legitimate charges, and when even time is doubtful, it might not be such a good idea to equate the "intelligence" part of Artificial Intelligence with "reality".

As to your privacy.. you have none.
But you can start working on that...

Hyperface textile pattern
Anti-Surveillance Textile Pattern
Photograph: Adam Harvey

1. Our Privacy Policy Update 2017: You Have None
2. The "not iPhones" were correct: it was sunny

Monday, January 02, 2017

What now?

I wonder what 17 is going to bring us.  The only thing we know for certain is, 17 follows 16.  When the president elect becomes president, we'll see if promises made in campaign speeches become reality, or disappear as campaign rhetoric. 

As for me, I'll make an effort to keep most of my new year's resolutions.  I cheat a little when I make them by listing things I want to actually do.  In any case, we all know there is no 'woulda, coulda, shoulda'.

I'm starting the new year with several new kindle books downloaded from the public library via Amazon.  I will also spend time 'coloring' in some adult coloring books I got for Christmas.  I've known about adult coloring books for several years, but never contemplated 'coloring' in one myself.  Surprise! Surprise!  I've discovered that its really a lot of fun.  The range of colors in gel pens, along with colored pencils and crayons, lets one exploit all the attributes of color.  I find myself experimenting with color while working the designs. 

Maybe coloring will be the new and different something I try to do every year.  Its certainly a new way of relaxing and spending worry free time  away from TV breaking news