Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Cards to Deck From by KimB

You play a Ten;
I play a Tree,
You play a Jack
and I a Three.
Next you pass
and play none.
I play an Ace
and next a Queen
And for Round One
I reign supreme.

I play my pairs,
and Sail the Sea.
Your Thief takes them
all for three.
You bend your straight
to the high.
My score is low;
the End is Nigh.
For Round Two,
Your cards held true.

Your Knight moves out,
My Clash hits hard.
Your best lands in
the Graveyard.
You spin a Snare
but my Spies see.
So I take yours,
when I pay a fee.

Fire and Frost
not quite spent.
With options few
to make a dent.
The Timer flares.
We're nearly done
One last tick
and then it's gone.

Who will win?
The game's in sway.
The tallest Last Card
will have Last Say.

KimB 07 2023

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

The City and The Yew by KimB

In a flower field; a mighty yew.
A day; a week; a year.

A city grew, in place of yew.
A smile; a laugh; a tear.

A bird once flew, from that yew.
A song; a thrush; to hear.

Silence fades, as noise cascades.
The city roars so near.

KimB 07 2023

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Old Lady's Hands by KimB

Old Lady's hands

Have played in mud,
Drawn stick figures,
Made finger paintings.

* Old Men's hands have done the same but different.

Old Lady's hands

Have rolled first cookies,
Iced first cake,
Held first cones.

* Old Men's hands have done the same but different.

Old Lady's hands

Have cuddled first kitten,
Stroked first dog,
Hugged first doll.

* Old Men's hands have done the same but different.

Old Lady's hands

Have clapped with glee,
Hidden their giggles,
Finger-spied peeks.

* Old Men's hands have done the same but different.

Old Lady's hands

Have clasped first lover,
Styled their hair,
Sewed first gown.

* Old Men's hands have done the same but different.

Old Lady's hands

Have cooked first meal,
Cradled first child,
Pushed first stroller.

* Old Men's hands have done the same but different.

Old Lady's hands

Have carried the sick,
Fed the hungry,
Tended the infirm.

* Old Men's hands have done the same but different.

Old Lady's hands

Have buried their parents,
Buried their sisters,
Buried their brothers.

* Old Men's hands have done the same but different.

Old Lady's hands

Have mourned their lovers,
Mourned their friends,
Mourned their children.

* Old Men's hands have done the same but different.

Old Lady's hands

Have wrinkles from love,
Veins from work,
Scars from toil.

* Old Men's hands have done the same but different.

Old Lady's hands,

Are the Map of Life.

KimB 07 2023

Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Walls of Illusion by KimB

Walls of illusion, a colored pale,
The line that separates within-the-pale.

Mimic breezes stir the air,
While the winds outside claim the dare.

Light is dark and Dark is light,
The splintered image in reversed sight.

Windows out and windows in,
The view can change at a whim.

Floors of stone, of wood and wool,
Transmute and tame Winter's chill.

KimB 07 2023

Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Camel Caravan by KimB

Musings on data packet loss...

Camel Caravan

One Hundred camels in a caravan,

along the Silk Road their passage ran.

One camel was lost, Ninety Nine remained.

Did anyone care where the lost One ranged?

Ninety Eight camels from the oasis left,

Ninety Six arrived at their next spot for rest.

Another camel strayed, afar and some,

No one bothered their heads counting sums.

Here a One, there a One and soon there was None.

People wondered how it was done.

For no one, it seems, had the slightest clue,

Who's job it was, to count camel poo.

KimB 08 2023

Camel Prints
Camel Prints