Sunday, May 29, 2005


This is a poem I wrote in honor of my three brothers, a sister and our parents who passed away within several years of each other.


In loving fellowship
They graced our lives
In springs and
Summers fair.
In common, felt
The breath of autumns
And snowy winters air.
We knew the seasons
From farmer’s fields,
Heard Robins sing
Their birdsong trills.
Picked wild flowers
On the river banks,
And hiked the woods,
Went nutting where
The great trees stood.
The stars we followed
Set the paths on
Journeys, once begun
To fated ends, when
At last, we mourn their
Leaving one by one.
No use to wish for
Life’s undoing,
For each one lost,
There’s only grieving
Until the weight of
Grief jells memories
Of time and place
To seek a sweetness
In the sorrow and
Again to trace
The bonds of love,
Of fellowship and grace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very poignant. Great expression of universal and powerful emotions and feelings. Quite moving!