Wednesday, June 01, 2005

June Is My Favorite Month

June is my birth month. I suppose everyone’s favorite month is their birth month. My brother, Elbert was also born in June. If one of our birthday months included a national holiday, the month was even more festive.

I hate to admit it but I have forgotten my birthday on several occasions. Once, a whole week passed before I realized my birthday had come and gone! For some inexplicable reason though, my Grandmother A’s birthday is imprinted on my mind. I always remember hers.

When I was in second grade, I created a birthday for myself. I don’t know what day or month is was. I only remember that it was a school day. After the class had said the Allegiance to the flag, we sang songs. Miss Chase, our 2nd grade teacher, sometimes asked if anyone had a birthday and if so, they got to choose a song. One day I raised my hand and told her it was my birthday. She looked at me a little strangely and asked me how old I was. I looked her straight in the eye and said,” Seven”. The fact that I would NEVER have a school day birthday and would NEVER get to choose a song had hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew I was telling a lie, but I continued the charade at recess. I invited several girls to my house for hot chocolate when school was out. When we reached home I told Mom why they were with me and why I pretended it was my birthday. She didn’t say anything but she served us hot chocolate and cookies just as if it was my real birthday.

1 comment:


What a cute story! I know what you mean about never having a birthday during school times, because my birthday is also in June, it's June 2nd.