Saturday, June 20, 2009


It’s a time of change; it’s a time of confusion. Each day brings new aspects of a world in flux. Television coverage of local, state, national and global events depicts humanity struggling to cope with powers beyond their control.

From an individual’s need to provide daily sustenance, to the masses of humanity searching for the means of survival and security, the struggles are shown in digital color over and over on television and are reminders that certainty is not an absolute.

Breakdown of financial institutions and failed economies have caused hardships and confusion for populations as well as governments. Tyrannical movements based on fear and religion have spiked around the globe. The behavior of countries striving to gain power advantage over neighbors through weapon development is incomprehensible as it creeps us ever closer to the destruction of war.

I am totally bewildered when I listen to the myriad discussions on television and radio about the whys and wherefores. Everyone has a solution but also opposition.

"What to do, Percy? What to do?"

I remember another time during a depression when similar happenings took place. Weapons were tested on the people of Spain and Ethiopia. An Asian country caused mass upheaval the world over, another created a thousand year reign.

What is it about ‘human rights’ and ‘sovereign nation’ that we don’t understand?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hummm ...

The change of reigns is mainly just a pain?

or ...

The pain of reigns is mainly in ol' spain?

...or possibly...

it's reigning here like katzendohgz ? ...

sigh ... back to the drawing board.. whatever..!?!

Just you keep 'em coming -- good stuffs !!