Thursday, December 10, 2009

Winter Snow

The unusual snow fall in Houston brought back memories of snowy winters in Iowa. The degree of pleasure one experiences during a snow fall depends on the way the snow falls. It can float gently down in large flakes, slowly coating surfaces in white, or it can fall thick and steady, quickly deepening the coating of white on surfaces.

Snow can come with the gentlest of breezes or with gusty winds that take your breath away. It’s described as wet, dry or powder. It can be icy slick or sticky wet.

Frequent spells of snow in winter creates layers of new snow on top of old, accumulating in a thickness that often lasts until spring unless there is a ‘January Thaw’.

As children, snow never prevented us from walking to school or playing outdoors. The only time school was closed was during a blizzard. Sometimes the snow on the ground did not last long and it was always a delight to wake on Christmas morning to discover it had snowed during the night.

In day time, the whiteness of snow disguises familiar objects and creates a world apart from the lush green of summer; at night it glistens in moon light. It has been many years since I heard the crunch of snow underfoot as I walked thru deep snow with a crusted surface. What a delight to come into the house and feel the cozy warmth and smell the fragrant odors of cooking or baking from the kitchen after being out in the snow for any length of time.

In those long ago winter evenings the family’s activities were much different from those of most families today. We spent them listening to the radio, which brought news, music and radio stories into the house. As the family listened to Fibber McGee and Molly, Stories from the Black Lagoon or Jack Benny, we children often sat on the floor cracking black walnuts on a brick with a hammer. We ate as many as we saved for Mom to use in baking.

Regardless of whatever amusement we children were involved in, either Adeline or I would suggest hot chocolate. If Mom gave the OK, we made enough for refills which were excuses to double up on marshmallows.

Going to bed in winter meant climbing under the blankets and shivering while we curled up as small possible until our bodies warmed the sheets, then fell asleep in little cave spots among the blankets.

I saw the news video of heavy snow falling on the White House in Washington after it had passed Houston and reached the east coast. It was a Christmas card picture and reminded me of the layered digital photos one sees of animated snow in photos.

whitehouse snow

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a west-coaster I never had much experience with snow until I went to visit Grandmother B in Philadelphia one Christmas. I arrived Christmas Eve and that evening it SNOWED! I had not had any recent exepriences with snow - especially falling snow, so on the news I dashed outside in my socks without any coat or sweater. I danced in the falling snow in my stocking feet for a few moments until I realized: IT'S COLD OUT HERE! and bolted for the house. (LOL)
