Friday, January 01, 2010

January 1, 2010

The New Year has begun and I’m looking forward to new adventures and making new friends. As the first day of the New Year progresses, I will make a list of resolutions and by this evening, I will probably have a list of 8 or 9, many of which I will actually keep.

Wishes of ‘Peace and Goodwill’ seem like empty words this year with the country involved in two wars, government agencies struggling to keep constant vigilance against home-grown terrorists, and the prevention of successful infiltration by extremists willing to commit suicide for their cause.

Such uncertainty leaves one in a state of bewilderment about the state of affairs and what to do about it. There is no end to the, Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda’s. I’m as perplexed as the next person and bemoan the loss of a culture that no longer exists, but I still make the resolutions and plan my daily routines as always.

I think of loved ones, near and far, and hope they too overcome any overwhelming events in their lives and can experience a peace and tranquility that brings them happiness.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

Here's a toast for Health and Happiness for all in the coming year.

Bonne Année!
Prospero Año Nuevo!
счастливое Новый Год


Anonymous said...

The 'Home Folk' ... extend their best wishes for a prosperous, health-filled, exciting, humor-filled - and of course 'HAPPY'.... NEW YEAR ...!!

After 3 rounds of voting, we all finally agree with you, that - sadly - 'nostalgia' just isn't what it used to be ... we long for a time that never was ... and miss a time that was good... while it lasted.

From all the gang ... this is Jan Ewe-Airy... signing off with a giant group hug to all.