Friday, June 11, 2010

Apple Butter and Outhouses Part 1 by Loretta

[Editor's Note: This story is by Loretta]

We lived on an acreage not far from a Military Base in Fort Des Moines, Iowa. After the war ended, the military base was turned into low income housing. They also had a theater there, which showed movies with Jerry Lewis, Abbot and Costello, and many more, so in the summer all the kids from the neighborhood banded together and went in a group to the show.

My grandfather on my mother's side of the family lived with us and took care of us kids, all five of us, while both my parents worked. When the other four were in school, I was his side kick. He wore overalls, so my mother made me a pair too.

My grandfather was quite a character. When he was left in charge, my brother Mark always challenged his authority. Gramp's would put Mark across his knee and whip him, all the while asking “Who's in charge?” Mark never gave in, always insisting HE was the one in charge, until Gramp's hands gave out. Neither broke.

In those days, my mother did a lot of baking of bread. On those occasions Gramp's would bring out his coin purse and send us to the store for Apple Butter, our favorite. Not too many years ago, I thought about that Apple Butter, so I bought a jar from the store... trust me, it's not the same.

It’s funny the things you remember in your childhood.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember how delicious apple butter tasted on hot buttered biscuits or spread on top of peanut butter slavered on a slice of home made bread. You bring back wonderful memories!
Mrs B