Thursday, September 23, 2010

New Computer

I recently found myself without a working computer due to malware and viruses. The full shock of the situation didn't hit me until some days later. When I called for help from both my son and daughter, (both more computer literate than I), they advised letting my virus program run a scan which would take care of the problem.

Considering I pay a hefty sum for such protection, I was relieved to realize the cure was so simple. I had just finished eating supper and the evening was still young. Since the anti virus company worked 24/7, I picked up the phone and dialed their number. I knew the company had secret ways of riding computers of all manner of 'infections', and I would be back online in short order. EZPZ. Right?

At the first sound of English being spoken with an Indian accent, I knew I was in for lots of repetitive requests from both ends of the phone connection, with my end being the first to start things off. I lost track of how many times I asked the technician to repeat what turned out to be his name. He also explained that I would have to fork over a chunk of money in order for him to fix the problem. I must say, he was extremely courteous and assured me it was his pleasure to serve me. The session lasted a bit longer than I had anticipated so I decided to turn the computer off and go watch TV to relieve the stress and anxiety I had experienced.

The next morning when I turned on the computer a 'pop up' appeared that I couldn't X out so I phoned my anti virus company. They did another scan and did some magic maneuvers as I watched them drive my computer. Before they logged out of my computer, they said all was AOK and I was a happy camper even if it had taken a long time to fix the 'whatever'. I knew they were sincere in their taking pleasure in serving me, and I hoped they were as happy as I at not having to repeat every word.

The third technician I called to correct something was a woman whose professionalism was apparent from the first moment she came on the phone, but she too had to go thru the business of repeating instructions. She finished the session and all went well that day. I had the idea that maybe the women technicians were a tad superior in their ability to log into a clients computer, drive it and fix things.

When I complained to my son and daughter that the sessions were long and stressful they said some of the viruses and malware were very hard to get rid of and the problem had become universal.

The forth technician accidentally wiped out my operating system and when he asked me to insert the XP disk, I knew things had gone to HELL IN A HAND BASKET. !!!!

At this point, my virus program and I parted ways. I took my laptop to a pc store and said 'fix it'. While it was in the repair shop, my daughter and her husband surprised me by giving me a new computer which would be delivered the same day my repaired one would be ready for pick up.

My cup runneth over!!!

My cup runneth over!!!

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