Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Recipe Box: Rice Gruel

Rice Gruel
From the recipe box of KimB

Rice Gruel is also known as Rice Porridge or Congee is a type of rice soup often eaten for breakfast in Asia or when you have stomach flu or other gastrointestinal upset. I learned about this dish from my Chinese friends and after much skepticism gave it a try. It is now a staple for whenever my tummy feels “unhappy”.

The basics are simple: cook the rice in a large amount of water until it almost disintegrates. Options you can add are: fresh ginger, cilantro, chicken or anything that you think will “sit” if you are feeling ill.

The basic porridge will be very bland. I prefer to add salt after cooking to taste, especially if I am not feeling well. Later on, as I begin to feel better, I will add in other items.

Rice Gruel
Rice Gruel Cooking

6 cups water
1 cup rice

In a large pot bring the water to a boil.
Add the rice.
Bring back to a slow simmer and partially cover.
Cook for 2 to 4 hours.

Add more hot water if needed to keep the rice in a “thick soup” state.

Rice Gruel Porridge or Congee

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