Thursday, May 31, 2012

Baby Timbrados

I have three tiny baby Timbrado canaries. A day separates each little hatchling and they were such tiny blobs they were hard to distinguish as birds. I think my little finger nail was larger than each blob.

They are a few days old now and Number 1 blob is beginning to show the tiniest of feathers. This morning for the first time I saw one of them holding its mouth wide open waiting to be fed.

The parents are very attentive and feed the babies the special treats I put in the feeding cups. I give them hard boiled eggs with the yolks, cooked rice, cooked carrots and various fruits. They will eat seeds when they are a bit older.

I have yet to hear peeping sounds from the babies, but their tiny wings and beaks show they are taking on bird shapes. In time I will know what gender they have. I hope I have a male that will sing as nicely as the father bird does.

Spanish Timbrado Canary Song

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