Saturday, September 07, 2013

Phalaenopsis Orchids

I received six beautiful Phalaenopsis orchids from my son who saw them on sale. The store was selling them for $2 apiece and he couldn't resist buying them. Now I am the proud owner of these beautiful plants.

I had always assumed they were touchy plants requiring sensitive care and particular temperature, but apparently care and maintenance is surprisingly easy according to the information I read on the internet.

At various times in my life I've met people who raised orchids in small private greenhouses and was always impressed with their choice of a hobby. On occasion I've admired one displayed on a coffee table at an acquaintance’s house, but I was really taken aback when I visited a friend in a hospice some years ago. Each room of the hospice had an exquisite Phalaenopsis in full bloom for the pleasure of the patients. I have often wondered if a nurse had suggested them.

The blossoms, at the end of long canes, are exotically elegant and remind me of colorful butterflies. The plants I have are pink, red, yellow and lavender. There are so many species, each with its own characteristic and combination of colors they are a joy to learn about.

Phalaenopsis orchids
Phalaenopsis orchids
Phalaenopsis orchids
Phalaenopsis orchids
Phalaenopsis orchids
Phalaenopsis orchids

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