Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Root Canal Update

Cowards die a thousand deaths, and I had imagined all manner of unpleasantness during and after my scheduled root canal, but it was painless! What a surprise!

I had based my expectations on past experiences and was reluctant to believe the assurances of my brother that it would be a walk in the park.

My Doubting Thomas attitude prevailed even as I sat in the dental chair reading a paper describing the pitfalls and failures of root canal procedures, then signing my name giving the dentist permission to proceed.

At home afterward, I was anxious as the hours passed thinking the discomfort would begin at any time. I had to rely on 'frozen medicine' (aka vanilla ice cream), to alleviate tension, but the hours passed and so did the next several days without a single hint of pain!

What a nice ending to one of life’s most miserable conditions, toothache.