Thursday, January 21, 2016

“What to do, Percy? What to do?”

The above refrain is from an old record of Swiss Family Robinson that our family listened to back in the late'50s and early '60s. Since then, when a perplexing problem arose requiring the opinion of an authority figure, (usually Mother), we always asked, “What to do, Percy? What to do?”

We might well ask the question now concerning the drinking water in Flint, Michigan.

Its unconscionable that people in the area have been drinking water polluted with lead, and that their complaints barely made a ripple in the nation's conscious. Have our elected officials, who swore to protect and defend, become so immune to the greedy machinations of those who slyly pollute our environment that nothing is done to correct the situation until the problem becomes a crisis?

"What to do, Percy? What to do?"


1 comment:

Kimosabe said...

What I've been wondering is...

It is said that many commercial water-in-a-bottle companies use straight up municipal water supplies as their source. They simply open a spigot and fill the plastic bottle.

So... which companies have been using the same source(s) and shipping that stuff to... ?where exactly?
