Thursday, March 19, 2020

Routines interuppted

What to do Percy, what to do? 
Our lives are being changed dramatically with the spread of this coronavirus.  When something unusual happens, like this virus causing illness and death, we are taken out of the cocoons we have built for ourselves and wonder what do we do?   
Humans have created activities that enhance our lives, and because life is so fragile and uncertain, we have created beliefs to help us cope with daily living.  We also created rules allowing us to live in societies as we populate different areas of the planet.   
Some beliefs have become cultural traditions which sometimes are antagonistic to surrounding societies and wars are a result.  We are familiar with the beginning and the ending of wars, but when we are prevented from practicing our beliefs and daily routines because an 'unseen' germ or bacteria becomes a pandemic, we are suddenly at a loss on how to cope. 
We have always had the ability to overcome interrupting incidents and return to our normal routines, but even so, I sometimes wonder about our civilization becoming one of the many past civilizations I've read about, or learned about on the television History channel.  
I guess the best we can do is listen to our leaders on ways to mitigate the virus spread; Distancing and good hygiene !

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