Friday, December 28, 2018

Christmas Past by KimB

One benefit of getting farther along on the path of life is that memories become a new dwelling place. A place of mixed rewards. A place full of angels and a multitude of demons. A place of unresolvable anger and of unlimited happiness. It's a place where we can sometimes chose different outcomes or savor our more fortunate experiences. It's a kaleidoscopic sort of place where fragments of events past reside and by turning the wheel a new view is seen. It's not always an easy place to be, the demons of both real and re-imaged events are present. The angels arise when we set aside our normal demons and look at the kaleidoscope from a new angle.

Christmas Past is one of those many events that reside in memory. The memories that flow from years of holidays most often bring a flurry of emotions: excitement, anticipation, surprise, happiness, pride with a dash of disappointment and a touch of envy. For the most part the happy end of the scale remains after the many physical aspects of Christmas Past have disappeared.

The memories fullest of warmth and contentment do not always arise from presents that where so fiercely desired and then received but more often they arise from events that were minor details in the background of ripped paper and exclamations of surprise. They are often the smallest of details that surpass the value of everything else found under a tree, in a sock or next to a menorah.

These are the true presents given by Christmas Past. They are ours alone. They are ours to open every day or every hour. They are reminders of something unique that happens when people exchange something far beyond the physical. They happen when we exchange Love: our greatest token of all that we desire for ourselves and others.

May this holiday and all other holidays fill your memories with Love, for these are the presents that last a life time.

Kaleidoscopes Images
Kaleidoscopes Images

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautifully Said ! ... we will share this with others - alas .. nowadaze at the home our biggest concern is that we have to fight the creeping loss of those memories .. I'll just make a note of that .. but now where did I put my pen ... again ??

Lovely thoughts and very well said -- Thank you from the Home Folks !