Monday, December 24, 2018

Merry Christmas

It's Christmas Eve and the mad rush to get things finished for tomorrow is winding down. Cookies have been baked and mailed along with batches of sugarplums to loved ones across the country, and gifts are wrapped and placed under the tree.

I couldn't help remembering past Christmases as I prepared for this years. In the early years of my childhood, the decorated Christmas tree with lights was part of the Christmas morning surprises that Santa brought. As we children got older we decorated Christmas trees with garlands of paper rings made at school along with strings of popcorn and cranberries that we spent hours making. There were beautiful but fragile ornaments from Germany that were carefully wrapped and boxed and stored away for the next Christmas.

When my children were small, my husband and I spent the night reading instructions on how to assemble some complex toy or other and still have just enough time left to get a quick nap before the kids woke us up to see what Santa brought.

I have wonderful memories of New Year Eve bells ringing in hopes for health, wealth and happiness, and it goes without saying, that I wish all my family and friends a healthy and prosperous 2019.

I hope the country will have a great 2019, but the news isn't encouraging. Too many lies told by government officials.

lies are deceptions
a fact, I merely mention
deception by lies
is my chief contention. 1

  1. Apologies to the unknown poet of Horse Sense

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