Friday, November 07, 2008

Our President

The United States of America elected Barrack Obama president yesterday, November 4th, 2008. His overwhelming victory over John McCain is a win of historical proportion; Obama is the first African American chosen to hold that office, and stories of his life and reports of his election are already resounding around the world. Last night’s celebrations continued in American cities today, demonstrating a faith in his ability to lead us thru a deepening recession and any security challenges the country may face in the future.

I have been an Obama supporter since I heard him speak on television months ago; consequently, I’m very pleased that he is our president elect, but early in the campaign, I had my doubts that he would be elected because of racism. Even in my enthusiasm, there was a moment when I, myself, stopped to think of what it would mean to have a black man as president.

I had already accepted the fact that Obama was a candidate with extraordinary qualities. As I envisioned him giving television press conferences, meeting world leaders and giving speeches to the nation, I mentally approved his living in the white house. Then I suddenly realized that if he was elected, his wife would be ‘first lady’. I had never envisioned a black woman as ‘first lady’. I didn’t know much about Michelle and wondered how she would compare to what I thought was the epitome of first ladies, Eleanor Roosevelt. It only took a nano-second to realize that if I wanted Obama as president, I could and would accept her too. During the campaign she exhibited the same admiral qualities of her husband and she has certainly surpassed my hopes that she will bring honor to the title.

I applaud the changes in attitude achieved by those who fought and continue to fight against racism. I can trace changes in my own attitude from childhood. As a third grader, I remember asking my father if he had ever shook hands with a Negro or touched the skin of one. When he said yes, I asked him how it felt and when he said it felt just like touching white skin, it was difficult for me to fathom black skin feeling warm. I knew Dad was from the south and his grandfather had owned slaves but at that age I had only been exposed to white people and those of Mom’s family who often talked of their American Indian grandmother whose name had been given to my Mother.

In later years when I was engrossed in family history, Mom told me of her first encounter with a black person. She had just arrived at the train station in Louisville, Kentucky and had difficulty managing luggage and a nine month old fussy baby, at the same time. Incidentally, I was the baby. A black porter not only took care of the luggage, but took charge of the situation. She tried to refuse his help, but he took the baby and guided her to the restaurant and even helped serve her. Mom said that she had never been around black people and was painfully aware of his blackness. She was even too timid to drink the milk he had poured in the glass for her. To avoid hurting his feelings, she tasted the milk but didn’t finish it.

As I moved thru the school grades, I absorbed a ‘northern attitude’ toward those who discriminated against black people in the south. In those formative years, stories of the Underground Railroad were enhanced by childish speculations about the secret passage way leading to an outside exit at my maternal grandmother’s house. As children we pretended that it was one of many used to help slaves escape to Canada.

The family’s move to California during the war brought us in contact with ethnic groups, cultures and religions we hadn’t known in the small Midwestern town in Iowa. The war not only disrupted the country and turned lives upside down, but when it ended, social changes came fast and furiously. Women began to aspire to careers and joined persons of color to demand equality.

I not only supported the Civil Rights movement but was also a fervent supporter of Equal Rights for Women. As a young married woman with two children, I had been shocked when a co worker referred to women as second class citizens. I had only applied that term to black people. It had never crossed my mind that even simple things like the ownership of a vehicle required a husband’s permission if a wife wanted to sell it. When I asked Mom about it, she said yes, they always had ‘and/or’ on the registration of the family cars in case she had to sell the car in some emergency.

I remember when the graduation of a woman from either law or medical school was unusual enough that it made the newspapers. Some years ago there was a push to have the states ratify an Equal Rights amendment to the constitution guaranteeing women’s equality but nothing came of it. History of the amendment can be read on . It has been reintroduced in every congress since 1982 but public interest has subsided. I was quite disappointed when one of my own brothers fought against passing it, postulating there were already laws on the books protecting women. Today there is sporadic talk of equal pay for equal work, but public interest in that is greatly diminished too.

It’s interesting to see how each generation pushes the acceptance of others to a greater understanding and our attitudes continue toward the goal of equality. It’s heartwarming to watch television interviews with a people who never believed a person of their race could or would be chosen president, only to wake up one morning and realize the highest office in this land has been given to one. It’s also a testament to Barrack Obama’s character that Americans of every color, race and belief recognized his abilities and have faith in him to exemplify our Constitutional and democratic ideals. I’m 86 years old as I write this and I may not live to see a woman reach the top of the mountain, but Obama has shown the way, and one day a woman will be President of the United States of America.

I’m pleased that many family members are as enthusiastic as I am that Obama is president. Comments that both my son and daughter have written follow in the next sections.

Obama Hat

Bob's Stories

Barak Obama - President of the United States of America! What an amazing and wonderful title!
I have had a curious and unique relationship with the civil rights'movement' in this country, ever since I was a teenager.

In the early 1960's - while in High School - I was a 'Quaker' [or more correctly, 'The Society of Friends'], and deeply involved with my Friends 'Youth' Organization, of about 150 or so teens of all ages, 13-19. This was in northern California. We were very active in social, and politically aware events of the time, but we focused a lot of our energy on the 'Civil Rights Movement'. Some of our group, and close friends, were 'Freedom Riders' on the Greyhound busses touring the south. Several were beaten and jailed. Later 2 of my good friends participated in the 'March on Selma' with Dr King. I was too young to go then.

During these years, Dr Martin L. King, and several notable civil rights activists, musicians, artists, and writers were to be having a town hall meeting about the 'movement' at Stanford University. Our youth group helped in the promotion of the event. We waited outside the hall, and Dr King, and the other notable activists, and celebrities - on their way into the event - were kind enough to stop and meet with us briefly, each say hello to every one of us indivually, and shake our hands by way of thanks for supporting the 'movement'. I have always been very proud to say I shook Dr Kings hand!

Those were very worrisome days in the Civil Rights movement, as there were many people across the country - not just in the south - that were not very favorably inclined toward helping black folks, or supporting the concept of 'equality' in general. I was about 15 then, and had not yet gone to Viet Nam ... which is another, but very much inter-related story. In spite of my belief in, and study of, civil disobedience and non-violence my whole life, I found myself in the Marine Corps. This is an amazing story in itself, but for another time of telling.

Fast forward now a few years to 1965.

I was in Marine training at Camp Pendleton, California - in the heat of August, when the 'Watts Riot' erupted in Los Angeles. Being only an hour away, our unit was hastily organized, and trained for 'riot control, to attack civilians .. where we learned, and practiced crowd control techniques with fixed bayonets. This scared the shit out of all of us. Americans against Americans. About 35% of our unit was composed of African-Americans, who were not inclined to participate, and threatened a virtual 'mutiny'. This was a very crazy time. Ultimately, we were never called to the riots, but the Government had rows of busses, and troop transports lined up for us, waiting to go at a moments notice. It was very serious buisness. We were not issued rubber bullets. Thank God we never had to go.

The first time I ever voted in a National Election was by absentee ballot - as a Marine in Viet Nam. I voted for Eldrige Cleaver. There wasn't a chance in hell he would be elected, but to me - there wasn't any other choice. I later wondered if that was a 'wasted' vote, but at the time, I was convinced it was the right thing to do. I could not vote for LBJ! Through a curios twist of fate, I had actually shaken hands with President LBJ, when he came personally to see off our Marine Unit. He was shipping us off to Viet Nam to reinforce our losing troops during the 'Tet Offensive' of 1968. LBJ had come to El Toro Marine Air Base to see us off. We traveled in combat gear, to be ready to fight upon landing, which we did.!

By the age of 19, I had shaken hands with Dr King, and LBJ. What a world of contrasts.

When I watched Barak Obama give the keynote speech at the Democratic Convention, in 2004, it was the first time I had heard such stirring words of inspiration, reconciliation, and hope from a politician in many decades. It gave me hope. I was inspired. I was stirred. I was 'called'. I felt that here was a person who actually 'got it'! I turned to the folks I was watching the convention with, and said WHO is that guy? Wow.. HE is the guy who should be running for president, and if - by some chance - he ever did, he had my vote! I have since learned that many others mirrored that exact moment.

I was at the VA hospital on this last voting day - November 4th. It happened that I was there almost all day. There was a palpable feeling of excitement, and it seemed that everyone - even the most red neck hardened old vets - were all hoping that Obama would prevail. I was quite taken by the universality of the sentiment across all the various clinics, staff, waiting rooms, and elevator rides. There was a quiet riot of sorts. I would ask folks if they had voted, and a common response was .. "I voted for historic change last week" [early voting] ... or 'I'm voting for history today' ... several die hard republicans even said .. they had never voted for a Democrat, but had voted for Obama. It was quite inspiring, and wonderful how everyone seemed to be pulling together. I had not experienced anything like it since the stirring days right after 9-11 when everyone was 'one'.

President Obama will have a tough path. I think we all put the expectations of an FDR on him. I want him to live up to those expectations... but he is one man. I liked his appeal to all Americans to work together... from the ground up... I have always believed that kind of change - from the people upward - is stronger and more lasting. This country needs a lot of fixing.Obama has called on all of us to participate in the repair. All my energy and hopes are with our new President. I am even more proud to be an American today! I would love to shake his hand!

hand shake

A man walks up to the guard at the White House and says ... "I'd like to see George Bush".

The guard says ... "I'm sorry, but he doesn't live here anymore."

Next day .. the same guy walks up to the guard and says .. "I'd like to see George Bush"

The guard - a bit peeved - says "I told you .. he doesn't live here anymore"!

This goes on for the next 2 days .. and the guard is getting steamed!

Finally the guard explodes and says .."SIR .. I told you George Bush doesn't live here anymore!!!!"

The man says ... "Oh I know that .. but don't you just love hearing it !!"

The guard says .. "Oh .. absolutely ...then I'll see you tomorrow ?" ..

Kim’s Stories:

Growing up on the West Coast, I was mostly unaware that there was any significance to skin color. My many cousins lived in many parts of the US and when we got together for family reunions skin color had no impact on our play time.

Traveling with my mother to Mexico and living there also never made any impact on me, except that being white made me the target of hoots and hollers from young men as I went about my day.

But when my Mom took me to live in Louisiana for a while, I got my first confused glimpse of a time that is slowly fading from living memories. We had just crossed the border into Louisiana when my Mom stopped for gas. I headed for the restrooms and was confused by the three doors: White Men, White Women, and Colored Men & Women. I had to ask my Mom which door to use.

My Mom rented a house out in the country side and almost daily we got together with my Aunt and her family; my only regular playmates were my cousins. But on days that we did not get together, I had to play by myself. It was not long before I found a family living a good walk from our house in the country. Sometimes I would go there and stand across the street waiting for an invitation to play. I could see there were several kids my age and they had a big tire swing that looked like it would be great fun. I went there a number of times waiting for an invitation but it never came. It was not until much later that I realized that the family was black and I was never going to get the invitation to play with them because it would have been too dangerous for them, as the Civil Rights Movement heated up in the South.

During my lifetime things have changed a lot, and things that seem easy now, were not so easy a few decades ago. As a young person working those “character building” jobs that we never put on our resumes, I had the opportunity to learn to cook in a small cafeteria in the JCPenny Department Store. I had wonderful mentors in my Uncles who were cooks and when I had mastered most of the basics, they urged me to move on to the next level: cooking in a coffee shop. This was a big step for me, the pay would be twice what I was making and I was scared when I went to apply for position advertised in the local News Paper. The manager was very polite when I told him that I wanted to apply for the "cook’s grave yard position", but after a brief conversation, he said “No”. I went home and Mom asked “Did you get the job?” and when I told her that they didn’t give it to me she said “You go back there and tell them to give you that job!” So, I got back into the car and went back and asked to see the Manager again. When he came to talk to me, I asked him “Why didn’t you give me the position?” he replied that he was very glad I had come back and that I was hired and to come in at 11 pm. He told me they had never hired a woman cook before and that it was a bit awkward hiring me. I worked there for a number of years and for a long time I was one of two women cooks working for that coffee shop chain.

The election of Barak Obama is only the beginning of changes that will ripple through this society and the world. History has been changed forever. There is no going back to a time that only white men could work, hold political office and make decisions. Each tick forward is on a ratchet that can never be unwound. It doesn’t matter if there are great successes or miserable failures, the ratchet has been clicked forward and new dynamics have been unleashed. Barak Obama has been given the position that was advertised through out the country. He is now the first on the road and leads the way for everyone who has ever heard the word “No”.

tire swing