Friday, December 31, 2021

12 Days of Gratefulness Day 7 by MrsB, RCane, KimB

[Editor's Note]

During these many months of COVID19, it is sometimes difficult to remember that Good Things Still Happen.

We would like share some of our Good Things both the profound and the mundane, hoping some of them might bring joy to your own lives.

Wishing all a happy, fun and safe holiday season.

MrsB, RCane, KimB

Day 7

My two children - a son and a daughter

3 Cats: Each has a story and their antics bring joy and laughter.

Bette Bumpers

Bette is the newest cat and is also 5 years old. She was abandoned when her previous owners moved away and we formally adopted her. She is a lovely black tuxedo with splash white and has the most mesmerizing eyes. She gives great head bumps and is 100% focused on Allen.

This year she finally jumped into Allen's lap and now she has "her spot" sharing his chair with him. She also has decided I may not be such a bad person after all and will let me pet her when she comes for head bumps.

Bette is very fond of Othello but not that keen on Lucky and can put Mr Pesterini in his place when his daredevil stunts get too close.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

12 Days of Gratefulness Day 6 by MrsB, RCane, KimB

[Editor's Note]

During these many months of COVID19, it is sometimes difficult to remember that Good Things Still Happen.

We would like share some of our Good Things both the profound and the mundane, hoping some of them might bring joy to your own lives.

Wishing all a happy, fun and safe holiday season.

MrsB, RCane, KimB

Day 6

R. Cane
Thankful for such a wonderful family extended as they are all over the USA .. and beyond on land sea or air..


Before COVID19 I purchased some suspenders at a department store. I am not sure why I bought them, perhaps I thought they would be a nice fashion statement. I think they cost $5. I never used them until recently. As I've gotten older it takes a bit more time to bend over and stand up again. I found that I can leave my pants unbuttoned and use the suspenders to hold them up. Now when I have to bend over I don't have to undo the button. It's amazing how many times you have to bend down during the day.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

12 Days of Gratefulness Day 5 by MrsB, RCane, KimB

[Editor's Note]

During these many months of COVID19, it is sometimes difficult to remember that Good Things Still Happen.

We would like share some of our Good Things both the profound and the mundane, hoping some of them might bring joy to your own lives.

Wishing all a happy, fun and safe holiday season.

MrsB, RCane, KimB

Day 5

Being born in America

My spouse ElGato.

Like many things it seems only a short time ago we met. I don't keep track of such things but he tells me it's 41 years. I once told him I knew he was a "good catch" because I never got a cold after kissing him. Our years together have had their ups and downs and in-betweens and all the variety that goes with life. I wouldn't trade even 1 second for anything or anyone else.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

12 Days of Gratefulness Day 4 by MrsB, RCane, KimB

[Editor's Note]

During these many months of COVID19, it is sometimes difficult to remember that Good Things Still Happen.

We would like share some of our Good Things both the profound and the mundane, hoping some of them might bring joy to your own lives.

Wishing all a happy, fun and safe holiday season.

MrsB, RCane, KimB

Day 4

R. Cane
Thankful for home medical visits and deliveries Discovered online ordering and now rarely ever risk going out amonst'em to stores n such

3 Cats: Each has a story and their antics bring joy and laughter.

Lucky - Mr Pesterini

Lucky was a temporary foster that stayed permanent. He had been abandoned as a tiny kitten in the countryside and rescued by a friend. We agreed to foster him and one thing that is certain about cats: they never leave once they find a good home. Lucky has been with us 5 years now.

He is not really a "pest". He is very curious about what humans are doing and why. Whenever he sees something new or different he is right there with twitching nose to check it out.

Lucky is the Flying Wallenda of cats. He loves jumping up on banisters and tops of bookcases. He has an extraordinarily long tail and chases it regularly. The fun part comes when he catches it.

He has a set of toys which he moves around the house and brings them to "share" with us. He has a plush pumpkin, plush hedgehog and plush mouse.

He is on the hyperactive side of cat activity but recently has been venturing into Lap Cat territory. He has a very short tolerance for Lap Cat but recently decided to try Keyboard Kat.

Monday, December 27, 2021

12 Days of Gratefulness Day 3 by MrsB, RCane, KimB

[Editor's Note]

During these many months of COVID19, it is sometimes difficult to remember that Good Things Still Happen.

We would like share some of our Good Things both the profound and the mundane, hoping some of them might bring joy to your own lives.

Wishing all a happy, fun and safe holiday season.

MrsB, RCane, KimB

Day 3

Living 99 years in extraordinary good health

My Brother.

R. Cane has a sense of humor bigger than the Pacific Ocean. Mr Punster can go none stop and side splitting laughs are a result. Sometimes it seems that we are far apart in views and temperament but this is only an illusion, because we are the same in all ways that count.

His music flows from within and contains a quality that is ephemeral. It's star light and fire works, filling the world with sounds of harmony and beauty. The sounds remain with you as a reminder that there is beauty to be found if you just listen for it.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

12 Days of Gratefulness Day 2 by MrsB, RCane, KimB

[Editor's Note]

During these many months of COVID19, it is sometimes difficult to remember that Good Things Still Happen.

We would like share some of our Good Things both the profound and the mundane, hoping some of them might bring joy to your own lives.

Wishing all a happy, fun and safe holiday season.

MrsB, RCane, KimB

Day 2

R. Cane
Thankful for reaching 76, and having my dear loving mum and sis and her hubby around too!

3 Cats: Each has a story and their antics bring joy and laughter.

Othello - Big Daddy.

Othello is the oldest, a sumo heavy weight 10 year old black cat. We got him from a local shelter 9 years ago at Christmas. The shelter waived the adoption fee for the holiday and Othello came to live here. He's an unusual cat and early on had a very feisty nature. Eventually we all found our spots.

Othello's spot is wherever the sunniest and warmest spot is.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

12 Days of Gratefulness Day 1 by MrsB, RCane, KimB

[Editor's Note]

During these many months of COVID19, it is sometimes difficult to remember that Good Things Still Happen.

We would like share some of our Good Things both the profound and the mundane, hoping some of them might bring joy to your own lives.

Wishing all a happy, fun and safe holiday season.

MrsB, RCane, KimB

Day 1

An excellent memory allowing me to recall my parents, brothers and sisters as well as maternal and paternal relatives

R. Cane
Happy to have 1933 Vintage Delivery Truck project reaching finish line & getting ready for auction in spring!

Old Friends and Like Family Friends.

Old Friends are wonderful memories. You can remember all the funny situations and escapades and even arguments. They remain with you even when they are not near anymore.

Like Family Friends are people who are like your family. They can be funny, helpful, insightful and they are few in number. They come as needed or as they are able. They help when you are too embarrassed to ask for help. They do not judge you but they are not afraid to tell you to "cool your jets" either. They hold a special place in my heart. Without them things would be very different and much more difficult.