Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Part 1 -- Digital Tones and Pavlov’s Dog – A New Language ? - 'Beep-speak' ? by Anno Nymus


Digital Tones and Pavlov’s Dog – A New Language ?

An exploration of our times - with tongue mildly planted in cheek  

by Anno Nymus

"In 1927, Ivan Pavlov experimented with his dog on the subject of psychological training—specifically conditional stimuli and response. He found that when he rang a bell each time before he fed his dog, the dog no longer salivated in response to the food, but to the bell."

A conditional response is when you're trained to respond to something such as Pavlov's Bell as opposed to using simply your reflexes.” * – Urban Dictionary


'Hotel California', an album recorded by the Eagles, (greatest selling album of the 1970's), used a subliminal ringing phone
at the end of a long passage to refocus your attention to the next lyric !


This was my first personal experience with social engineering --  using audio tones. At the time I thought it was very clever. We have all been programmed since childhood to answer a phone quickly, so we get a vague sense of urgency to respond to a subliminal ringing phone. Folks then take a mental beat to give the issue some unconscious attention unaware they are seeking a source for the ringing phone. Thus we have a physical reaction that makes us 'look' !? Hmmm ?? This is what brought Pavlov and his famous dog to mind.

I think the social engineering folks have sussed this pretty well .. and the folks who brought you the cloud, might now be programming us - subliminally -- are we taking the bait? Now the stimulus is overt – outright notification tones and alerts emitted by our devices.

Have you ever raced or fumbled to answer an insistently ringing phone? Do you get a mild rush of anxiety when you just barely miss that call ? The area of emotional manipulation by alerts, is a growing phenomenon worth looking into.

Example: A notification triggers a sense of urgency (and probably some adrenaline .. further fueling the sense of urgency – metaphorical salivation?). Youth especially are committed to the social media phenomenon, and some research suggest there may be a chemical-endorphin 'reward' component to their compulsion to achieve notices and comments with constant alerts? Everyone has their own personalized tones, beeps, squawks, and alerts, or silent-vibration mode to catch every notification possible. Any group today will have a stew of phones and notification tones going off.

Since the advent of of the digital age it seems our lives are continuously driven by endless notifications and digital sounds throughout our personal 'audio-dome' - environment.

Noise Pollution - and our personal 'Audio-Dome' 

There is an area of research called Noise Pollution, which deals with social problems created by digital sounds.

In the ER, folks have to instantly assess, understand, and react to the meanings of the various equipment tones, alarms, and beeps ! But there is a serious “Catch 22”. Many of the machines use similar tones for opposite functions or conditions, or opposite tones for the same functions. Noise Pollution, can literally be dangerous !

Each of us has a palette of notification tones programmed into our sundry devices. Each notification or silent buzz , has meaning to us. It's our own code, and we know how to process each notification. We ingest a panoply of alerts, consciously, or subliminally in our daily personal activities. This constitutes our personal Digital Noise - Audio Pollution Dome.

"Beepspeak" ? - A new language ?

I think Digital Noise Pollution has become a new kind of unspoken 'digital language' in a curious way : an audio pollution-collusion, contusion, and intrusion that I like to call “Beepspeak” !

This 'Beepspeak' brings me to think again of Pavlov! Epiphany ! Have we been programming ourselves, whilst programming our devices ?!? Perhaps in doing so, have we made ourselves 'digital' Pavlovian dogs ??

You can't put the poop - back in the horse. We sure would be in a mess without these notifications. The world would grind to a halt in short order, but where is all this notification taking us ?

Is this digital cacophony some weird mystical new unspoken language or tower of babel ? Could this be presaging some digital “AI bot” take over by programming us to react to various notifications?

No voting required madam, the computer voted for you – with who it thought you liked – based on your notification history ? 

The sky is falling ! – the sky is falling !


Beeps, alerts and tones control us more than we would like to admit. We continue to program ourselves to jump at an alert – whose sound demands and insists, that we react !

Do we need to be concerned ? What does this unseen phenomena signify? Where is this digital whirlwind of alerts taking us? What are we becoming because of it ? What – if anything – should, or can be, done about it? Hmmm … Tag ! You're 'It' !

Mysteries yet abound doncha know ? Thanks Pavlov for leading us to this new “Beepspeak” !

What are your devices telling you ?

Riiiinnnnnngg ! ! !

... still scratching my head over the future, 

so with tongue firmly planted in cheek ..  

until next time .. 

Anno Nymus

* * * * *

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Truth – Justice – and the American way ! By Warren Pease


Truth – Justice – and the American way !

By Warren Pease


My first awareness of what we would now call “conspiracy theories” - came to me waaaay back in my1961 High School Drivers Ed course. The teacher was Mr. “S”. It was in northern California – near Stanford. We had about 20 students in my class.

We had classroom time – learning theory, and rules of the road, and then the good bit we all were excited about - actual driving! Certain days were 'class', and some 'field', for driving - depending on the weather. The school had 2 Ford Falcons for the drivers ed courses. They were set up with 2 sets of brakes – the 2nd brake pedal was on the passenger's side for the instructor – think panic stop.

On our weekly outings, a “Student Driver”, Teacher, and 2 hapless, and helpless, students (nervously waiting for their turn to drive – prisoners in the back seat), would set off to terrorize other drivers in the area.

Each week, 4 students were picked for the driving days. This rotating gaggle would set off on driving days – usually Saturday: we would get to drive for about 10 ish minutes or so – each. Residential neighborhoods, busy boulevards with lights and left turns, a wee bit of freeway for a 'final' .. one or two exits up the Bayshore Freeway, toward Frisco, exit and pull over in a gas station, rotate drivers – head back toward San Jose - repeat as needed. He always tried to give us each a bit of extra drive time.

He was a cool teacher and we all liked him. He was a stylish dresser, with an easygoing charm. Plus he was very patient with us driving. Best of all, he answered our odd questions about life and living. He told great jokes and stories in the slow times.

On one particularly slow rainy day, he told us an incredible story about a new car he and his wife bought. He prefaced by insisting it was completely true, but even with our natural teen skepticism , when quizzed by us afterward, he gave all the right answers – closing any and all loose ends to everyone's satisfaction, over the next hour or so!

I assure you, that after class, to a person, we all left believing it was completely true. He was religious, and a very precise engineering type - not the sort to invent stuff. This is a true story.

Here is the story he told ...

He and his wife purchased a new Ford. They wanted air conditioning built in. In those days 'Factory Air', indeed had to be custom installed at the factory. It was expensive, but handy in the summer heat. Alas, they would have to wait a few weeks to pick up the car, for the factory modification, and would be notified when it arrived.

While Mr “S” was at school teaching,his wife got a call that a trainload of new cars had finally arrived at the dealer. Delighted that it had arrived, she picked up the new car.

For the next week or so they enjoyed taking turns driving the car. One day he thanked his wife for keeping the gas tank so full. She said she hadn’t put any gas in, and assumed he was topping it up. On comparing notes, they realized neither had put gas in the car since they had picked it up the week before. The gas gauge was still reading almost full !? They had driven quite a few miles just commuting the week by then, without adding any gas!?

Hey, whats going on? Man that’s some amazing mileage!?. There was a holiday week coming up, so they decided to see how far they could go before running out of gas. Putting a 5 gallon gas can in the trunk, they headed from the San Francisco Bay Area, to Los Angeles to visit family – about 500 miles!

Well they drove to LA – visited – did some sightseeing, and drove back to the Bay Area.

Once back home, they still had a half tank of gas !? Deciding to see how many miles they could go before running out of gas, they decided to continue driving until they ran out, so redirected plans, and drove the scenic “gold rush country ”-- Highway 49 in the Sierras. At last, nearly a day later, they finally needed to use the 5 gallons of gas in the can, and turned around for home.

When they arrived – the phone was ringing – notes were in the mailbox - they were besieged by phone calls and messages from the dealer !!!

They had been given an experimental car – destined for Stanford – delivered to them by mistake !!! – it was in the same shipment with their car – but a serial number /clerical error released the experimental car instead! Would they return it immediately!. They would be compensated, and get the car they actually ordered.! Contact the dealer immediately!”

They had the wrong car .. and Ford would like them to exchange it! Ford was offering them ...  a new car each year for life to return the car!

It turns out the car they had – was equipped with some experimental carburetor that allowed hundreds of miles per gallon !!! .. they were gobsmacked .. but under heavy pressure, made the deal .. and returned the car. They did get a new Ford every year I was in High School!?! (free???)

Wow !! – A carburetor that let you go hundreds of miles per gallon in 1961 !?!? …The gasoline companies did NOT want that to go public! Mr S and wife were told not to discuss it - or promote it .. and were forbidden to go to the press, or the new car deal every year - was off !

After intense questioning and grilling by all of us … we couldn’t find any loopholes .. he was serious – not putting us on .. but sharing a 'secret' he was bursting to share!

That’s when we teens had the light bulbs go on – and realized that what the companies 'sell and tell' on TV .. isn’t exactly what they 'know or have' in R and D !? …

Germs of doubt about official pronouncements were seeded ! What else were the great mesophysical “they” not telling us ? We started to really grow up !

Thus began my critical thinking and questioning about what was 'really' going on in the world? – out front – and behind the curtain? ..

what else were we 'not' knowing ?.. and when could we believe what 'they' tell us .. ?

Moral of story : Always – listen between the lines – whenever 'they' speak !!!

*  *  * 

In 1961, I grew up a little bit. I learned to drive a car, and got a license, but also ..

“ ...  we .... saw the enemy – and it was ... US !**

Those flashes of understanding started up then – and haven’t stopped since!

200 mpg for gas in 1961 !? … hmmm ??? .. jus' sayin' ….

* * *

"Truth! – Justice! – and, The American Way!"*

Warren Pease – Out !

* * * *

* – thanks Superman !

** – Thanks Pogo !

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Good Bye Mr Crane - Hello Summer and Junior High


Good bye Mr. Crane – Hello Summer, and Junior High !

by Anno Nymus


Mr Crane our 6th grade Home-room teacher was called out of the room into the hall to speak with another teacher. We were sternly instructed to remain quietly seated and read, while he stepped into the hallway for a moment. He could see us thru the window in the door, and we could see him chatting up the other teacher out in the hall.

whilst he was out of the room .. the class clown ... Albert C ..slowly rose out of his seat in a half crouch, while eyeballing the discussion in the hall thru the little window...

His sudden movement got all our attention. We could see him gauging how much time he had before Mr Crane stepped back into the room, and then he suddenly rose, seeing that Mr Crane had his back to the room for a moment.

Albert rushed up to Mr Crane's desk … put something down, and scurried back to his front row seat to avoiding detection, then doing the classic silent whistling – 'I didn’t do anything', and innocently glancing around the room. Exactly as he was sitting back down, Mr. Crane came back in, and slightly detected the movement and sensed something was up ..

We had no clue what Albert had put on the desk, but he was chortling to himself and sort of indicating we should watch what happens next.

You have to appreciate that Albert was a burgeoning juvenile delinquent.

Albert was always in trouble, but had a cavalier attitude about it. He was a skilled liar - having much experience talking his way out of various jams: smoking, loitering in the hall and generally moving at his own tempo. He probably grew up to be a gangster – or a lawyer. Albert was a clown , and had a bit of 'I can get away with it' swagger in his walk.

Let me describe the Home Room

As we faced front, Mr Crane's desk was on the far left facing the class with the big blackboard behind him. His desk was along the front wall of 7 foot windows with transoms, overlooking the front lawn.

This was Home Room, a checking in room for an hour before regular classes, where roll was taken and announcements and notices read, and last minutes could be applied to homework needing to be completed (or quickly copied) -- to hand in later that day.

All of us were about 12-13 years old – and mostly boys – but typically unruly as we were wont to be in the late 1950's – being 'rock n roll rebels' in Hollywood … and flexing our new found rebelliousness and increasing disregard for regulations. We were often shocking the old folks.

First bell rang at 6:50, meaning 10 minutes to get to your room, get settled and seated by the 7 o'clock bell.. To Mr Crane, Home Room started at 7 sharp!

When the bell rang, we were to be in our seats, sitting up, alert, quiet, and paying rapt attention to the front notices on the blackboard, while Mr Crane would commence taking the roll !

We did none of those things!!!

He would berate and harangue any infractions, and woe unto late comers or stragglers – they were to be in their assigned seat, attentive, quiet, and ready for the day before the bell rang at 7! 

We didn’t do that.

The Permanent Record &  Taking The Roll

Mr Crane – old, be-speckled, and befuddled .. seemed about 85 to us and as alien as someone from another century – which he was – and frequently reminded us that we were his very last home room class. He was looking forward to retiring. We were glad, and couldn't wait.. he was literally .. stern and far too OLD SCHOOL !!

He was a few years past his ability to control the class. Authoritarian efforts attempted – to no avail . He was set in cement . We were incorrigible.

He was what we thought of as strict and mean – which now I appreciate as probably old age. To us he didn’t appreciate anything new or different – it was the 1950's!

Life was rockin' n rollin' just like our new battery powered transistor radios ! The media for social interaction of the 50's. It bumfuzzled Mr C if you were listening to a radio waiting for the opening bell.

We would gang around the person with the best transistor radio .. and we'd listen to radio KFWB – channel 98 - DJ's spinning those platters... in the hall waiting for the bell.

Records 'n Spinning Platters : 78 rpm was being replaced by 45 rpm for us kids n teens, and 33 rpm hi-fi long play for the adults . The world was changing ,and Mr Crane – with his charge of inquisitive and motivated students – wasn’t up to the challenge. we were his last class.

We got the 1930 stuff... but needed the 1950 stuff …  he thought a lot differently than we did... I now realize that was just a massive generational gap. He expected us to be like his 1930 students. He had started in 1928, and had been teaching for 30 years by 1958 !

We were definitely not like his 1930 students! Especially with Albert leading the mischief.

Now... Back to the story.

Albert just barely got into his seat when Mr C came back in – immediately sensing something was up.He went toward his desk – with the precious Log Book ... scanning the class for hints of what was up !?

Before I proceed, and reveal what Mr Crane was about to see, it should here be noted that his cursive penmanship was magnificent!


His Roll Book - “ The Master Log”, was flowery and beautiful. He had perfect cursive, and used an old dip pen .. that old kind with gold nibs that you dipped into an ink well. It looked like he had written the Declaration of Independence. 

His attendance book was meticulously kept .. every entry perfectly scribed – Present/Here, Tardy/late, sick , excuses, grades .. a perfect log book. He prided himself on how well he kept the attendance record. It was in fact our 'permanent record' he would say .. so he took great care to make each quill penned entry perfect .. and blotted.

We mostly all took great care to avoid that any negative entries be made about us … it was after all the 'permanent record' .. well, all except for Albert and the incorrigible bunch – a small group that took another tack. They thrived on how many entries they had !

Note here that Mr Crane's weapon of control was --  the constant threat of making an entry in the attendance book under our name ! A typical threat might include picking up the book to demonstrate intent .. and if serious .. reach for the dip pen! The threat of entry in this book .. did surprisingly well to keep most of us mild -1950's rebels -  at bay .. except for Albert.

Important Aside: we must here note – The Farmers Market

We lived pretty close to the famous Farmers Market by the CBS TV studios .. and we often wandered thru the stalls window shopping and looking at the various products after school or lazy weekends, but a favorite stall .. was the scientific and gag toy shop .. solar driven whirlygigs .. tin spoonbill birds , endlessly and repeatedly dipping their beaks into a glass of water – popping up and doing it over n over. Of course to 12 year olds guys, the rubberized plastic, realistic looking .. fake barf / fake dog poop / fake pee puddles held special scatological allure, and potential laughs galore ! Wow !! They look so real !!

This is about the place I should mention – this was the last day of school before summer! Only 6 classes to go and … FREEDOM !!! but first … one last Home Room ..ugh .. and 45 more minutes … tick tock tick tock …

Back to the tale …

Albert is smugly watching as Mr Crane approaches his desk .. stops cold .. turns beet red .. faces the class .. and says .. 

“Who threw up on my desk ????? “ SPEAK UP .. THAT IS DISGUSTING .. STEP UP NOW AND CLEAN THIS UP !!! NOW !!!

Mr C was .. tapping his toes .. we all squirmed uncomfortably – but now we know what Albert did .. and its a riot .. but we are smart enuff to stifle the chuckles .. but its tough .. He thinks its real .. we know it cant be !

Mr C is pacing and fuming now .. “OK I'm going to get the Principal and we will settle this once and for all .. whoever is responsible will be held accountable .. the Master Log book is ruined !!!

He turned and left the room to fetch the Principal ..!

Quick as a rabbit .. Albert jumps up .. runs to the desk and grabs the rubberized fake barf .. holds is up and shows it to all of us, then throws it out the 7 foot window transom .. and it fly’s out toward the front lawn  into some bushes ..

Albert returns to his seat giggling .. we are all laughing and hooting. Soon Mr Crane and the Principal return … and we instantly sit bolt upright, silent, and awaiting doom! 'Rapt' would be about it !

Mr Crane says to the Principal “come here and see what they did to the Master Log Book !” … and then notices that nothing is amiss .. and starts too look around .. seeing that nothing is wrong .. no barf !?!?! … now he IS bumfuzzled .. and the Principal is a bit disconcerted .. what IS going on here Mr Crane ?

Mr Crane demands to know who 'cleaned it up '?? … no one stirs .. and clearly the Log isn’t wet or damp .. with no sign of anything awry .. The Principal soon exits scratching his head, ..

Mr Crane is taken aback and sits down in total consternation .. he asks a few of the teacher pets if they know anything .. no one speaks up …

We get a lecture on civil manners and courtesy, rules of social behavior, and social norms not to be broken, or taken lightly .. then we were told to work quietly till the bell rings.

Mr C sits down .. looks directly at Albert .. says .. "I know you were behind this .. but I cant figure out how you cleaned it up !? … I'm glad this is my last day!".

Just then the bell rang .. Albert jumped up .. Yelled "HAPPY SUMMER !" .. and raced out the door escaping any further 3rd degree… we all thanked Mr Crane , and  wished him a good summer .. and ...left the 6th grade !

Next stop Summer and Junior High !

We all had a good laugh at Mr Cranes expense – no harm no foul – the precious LOG BOOK OF LIFE was still virginal .. but there it was .. summer was on us and we didn’t have time to be contrite .. that bit catches up with us all …much later.

I sometimes wonder if Albert became a politician, gangster or famous attorney!? Mr Crane got out at the right time, and all I know is that I escaped elementary school,  and I was now looking forward to joining  the junior toilet washer brigade - as we called the 7th graders !? 

Hello Junior High .... and ... Summer here we come !!! 


Wednesday, July 07, 2021

The Recipe Box: Hot Pepper Vinegar

Hot Pepper Vinegar
From the recipe box of KimB

During the first lock downs and lock-in days of COVID-19 Pandemic shopping was a No Go activity. Items had to be bought on-line, especially if you are At Risk (we are all At Risk but some are More At Risk than others), and you had to Make Do with whatever was on offer and more importantly, whatever was actually delivered.

Shopping online doesn't seem to be any easier for me than shopping in person. It's actually a counter-intuitive problem. One might think that having lists of goods scrolling on the screen would make things easier, except the items scrolling on the lists are not the ones I want.

You scroll past a lot of stuff of no interest and once you do find something you want, if you misclick the selection, you get to do the whole scroll thing again.

The only achievement is the "Store AI Shopping Algorithm" that is harvesting shopping data, is logging a lot of junk data. The program which suffers from a lack of the Intelligence part in Artificial Intelligence, collects useless info while it tries to entice me to buy stuff of No Interest To Me. It is likely of great interest and high margin profit to the store, so they keep trying to sell what they want me to buy.

It becomes a game of sorts, how to by pass the AI Shopping Algorithm and get to the stuff I DO want to buy.

During this phase of the initial COVID-19 pandemic, we all learned that there was an awful lot of stuff we didn't need, we never needed, and no longer want. Some of these epiphanies remain as we move into the more challenging waves of COVID-19 WackAMut.

One thing I did want, was a decent salsa or hot sauce. The Big Box Stores that provided the food lifelines only carry the huge sizes of salsa and hot sauce used by restaurants. Nothing small and dainty or suitable for an occasional dash 'n' splash. There was also the question of ingredients and some offerings have less biological content than the amount of inert packaging. I already have enough of that air-bubble wrap, thanks.

During a moment of celebration after getting The Jab and waiting the requiste days for effectiveness, we made a foray to the drive through burger joint. We drove home with our treasure:
Burgers, Fries, Shakes. Heaven.
In the bag was a container of extra pickles and another container of Hot Peppers.

Hot Peppers. Salsa. Hot Peppers. Hot Sauce. Hot Peppers. Hmmmm...

Not having the rest of the ingrediants to make Salsa or Hot Sauce, I began to rummage through the pantry goods to see what I could make with the Hot Peppers.

Not all Hot Peppers are the same. Some are mild and some have enough fire power to launch a rocket. You have to be mindful that a few letters in the name make a big difference.

  • Burger Joint peppers are Cascabella or Guerito peppers. They are both sold in jars; both look similar. They have thick walls. They are pickled. They are hot. 1500-4000 Scovilles.

    Cascabella can grow as ornamentals. They turn orange, red if left long enough to ripen. The commercial pickled peppers are picked at the yellow stage and then pickled.

  • Cascabel is a hot pepper, brown in color with thin walls; used dried and ground. 1,000 to 3,000 Scovilles.

  • Pepperoncino sold in the USA are Friggitello peppers aka golden greek or tuscan pepper. Found on sandwiches and salad bars. They are mild. 100 - 500 Scovilles.

Pickling is the process of preserving or extending the shelf life of food using brine or immersion in vinegar. One thing I did have was vinegar.

Since the burger joint Cascabella Peppers had already been brined, I popped them into a jar of white vinegar to see if the vinegar would capture the flavor of the hot peppers but with less heat.

In short order, the vinegar had absorbed the flavor, with just enough heat, still having that acidic bite. A few teaspoons of the Cascabella Hot Pepper Vinegar Infusion, perk up some of the blander dinner fare without the flame thrower aspect of eating them direct. I've used it instead of horseradish in a chicken salad, it worked great.

Ingredients: Hot Pepper Vinegar

A few Cascabella Peppers. (obtained from higher quality Burger Joints)
1 cup of white vinegar. (other types might work)
Glass jar with a good lid.

Optional: Burger Joint pickles.

  1. Place the Cascabella Peppers and Pickles in the jar.
  2. Cover with White Vinegar.
  3. Store in the fridge.
  4. Stir or shake before use to mix the flavors.
  5. Teaspoon the flavored vinegar as desired.

Hot Pepper Vinegar
Hot Pepper Vinegar

Sunday, July 04, 2021

In The Devils Garden - A Review by D. Vour - 4 of 4 revised

 Review and Commentary by D. Vour

 Gourmand, & Food Critic, at “The Home"

 “In The Devils Garden - A Sinful History Of Forbidden Food”
by Stewart Lee Allen --  Ballantine Books 

Chapter Four – Conclusion


How we prepare foods is a big part of the food taboo story. Rules and recipes abound on precise ways to make, bake and prepare things 'legally'. Variations – authorized or unauthorized – have caused chaos, and all hell breaking loose when food violations occur. 

The Roman Catholic church, and Greek Orthodox church for example. Someone added yeast to the recipe to the communion wafers, and made little mini loafs instead of wafers, and war broke out between the factions 'til they split, a schism lasting over 900 years, until resolved in the 1960's... all that drama over a touch of some yeast bacteria - it's quite a remarkable story!

Great Chefs are almost a modern form of high priest today, but they have always held special places in society throughout the centuries. 

In some cultures the highest chef was even made the King-Priest! There is a direct symbolic relationship to a priest giving a wafer, and a chef serving a meal! 

Chefs are our modern high priests! Each one teasing us with greater and greater culinary heights and delights, vying with each other in social acceptance, and celebrity, like modern day gunslingers, each pulling us into their orbit of gastronomic experimentation with nearly spiritual food experiences! 

Each modern bite prepared by these wizards of food prep, can be virtually a quasi-religious-spiritual and orgasmic experience at once! 

Modern chefs are expanding culinary horizons to places seemingly without rules .. can this mean the end of civilization as we know it?... Are new rules evolving? Perhaps the yardstick has simply been temporarily pulled out, like a golf flag, but will be moved a bit farther out ?

Every food we enjoy today has been banned in history at some point. Garlic and onions could bring a death penalty, as have at one time or another, eggs, all types of meats, vegetables, almost every spice, many methods of preparation, and even what ingredients may, or may not, be used to 'correctly make' something - some even had punishments worse than instant death for the hapless chef (often in horrible ways related to the ill used food.. boiling in oil, roasting in an oven, or flayed and cooked along with the meal, or buried in salt!) The famous French Chef to Louis the 14th – Vatel, is noted to have committed suicide by falling on his sword when the fish to be served ... arrived a half hour late for the Kings dinner !

Each of the seven sins is well covered here with great erudition and wit .. and it reads easily and quickly .. perfect for a kindle and limited read time .. short segments tied together for easy chapters on Lust, Gluttony, Pride, Sloth, Greed, Envy, and Anger, and he even offers an intriguing 8th sin – “When Everything Is Allowed, And Nothing Has Flavor.” !

This whole idea of forbidden foods bumps up against a future where we currently have vast foodie 'lawlessness' – where the classic rules are tossed out in ever more adventurous culinary feats. In severe contrast, this trend is fighting against a growing wasteland of corporate food conformity.

Modern attitudes to dining, encourage creative chefs to reach out and try new things; allowing, and encouraging the meeting of disparate ingredients not traditionally used together, breaking new ground, and food laws too, whilst seeking exotic flavor profiles, and ever more complex taste horizons. 

These valiant modern priest-chefs seek to sate the demand for 'Amuse-bouche's and 'tasting' menus that are more over the top than the previous efforts. 

Battalions, and cadres of new young chefs work to fulfill ever exotic culinary demands by modern gourmands – in some irony – or homage – mirroring the extreme explorations of olden time chefs trying to meet the demands for sumptuous meals and feasts of their own times. Now, good foods are in reach of everyone, and no longer consigned to the rarefied dining of only the aristocracy.

However, on the other side of that approach, could we just as easily be facing a looming and darker corporate food future in the not too distant future; one fraught with the dangers of mass food conformity, trying to feed the increasing masses? 

This portends a dreary corporate sterility – a world without many food options – everything cardboard flavored, but “approved”? ("Soylent Green" comes to mind !?)

We have to be watchful about our modern food rules, laws, and taboos. We could just as easily be evolving to a place where the only foods being offering are those officially approved! No other foods need apply! Whoever controls the food chain controls this issue.

Where do you stand on food conformity, or genetic modifications, or mass production of your grub? The western food supply lines are getting more and more tenuous, in spite of the amazing range of seeming abundance, and choices that we enjoy in fancy western markets. 

Will our modern western cornucopia endure forever? Genetic modified grains, droughts, severe weather and storms, global climate changes, all will play a role in our food supply in years to come. Are we prepared for it?

What about places in the world that barely have one item of food for the masses; limited local grains, rice, or corn - and that's it!? Do we need to have guilt about our abundance of choice, while others have none? Is this a form of subjugation that we unwittingly play a part in ? Food laws and taboos are ever evolving, and challenging us all to stay alert and aware.

There are forces at play that want to control your food, and all your ideas about food, thus controlling your thoughts and emotions especially, so that you buy and eat what “they” want you to. Food taboos and laws are the means to control you !

It's a crazy, modern, adventurous, and even dangerous food world out there, but delicious and exciting, good, and wholesome foods still await the adventurous – enjoy, but be sure to follow the rules, and remember, only allow your “right” foods in !


Saturday, July 03, 2021

In The Devils Garden - A Review by D. Vour - 3 of 4 revised

 Review and Commentary by D. Vour

 Gourmand, & Food Critic, at “The Home"

 “In The Devils Garden - A Sinful History Of Forbidden Food”
by Stewart Lee Allen --  Ballantine Books 

Chapter Three – of Four


Food is a powerful tool, for good and evil; used to control people through virtually every civilization, religion, region, state, and even across continents. Throughout history for example, limiting – or preventing – certain foods has allowed subjugation of the poor.

The true story of the white potato is heartbreaking .. and I thought I knew about the Irish potato famine. I learned the tragedy was put in motion many years before, when grains were restricted, or priced out of reach, or forbidden. The English - used the white potato to subjugate the Irish, and control them. Believing the white potato was not fit for humans, it was forced -- by law --  as the only crop allowed to be grown by the 'subhuman' Irish. 

Grains were virtually non existent, and at times illegal to posses, making the lowly 'tater the only food source. When the potato blight hit, destroying all the potatoes, and ruining the only food source, it doomed millions to perish from starvation. 

There was no grain to fill the void! The resulting migration to 'greener pastures' brought millions to North America, and anywhere ...  that wasn't Ireland. The Irish were amazed at our 'land of plenty', which was certainly a remarkable, and welcome, contrast to the old country. It's no accident that the early Irish in North America settled where grains grow well !

Who you feed, invite to dinner, or don’t invite, has, each, been the cause of wars and social unrest. Religions with castes for example; if one invites another from a higher caste, they have just redefined that person as a caste lower! .. and in some cases such an invitation can bring a death penalty. 

It pays to know your place – literally .. in the 'food chain' ! Surprisingly, food has even been used in lieu of wars – to prevent fighting – there is an anecdote about a state that believes whoever throws the biggest most lavish gluttonous feast wins – when the last person can't put in one more morsel of food!

Food has been used to pit one religion against another – or even within a religion. I was unaware that the Roman Catholic Church, and Orthodox Greek split apart for over 900 years over the serious philosophical argument about the use of 'yeast', or 'no yeast' in the baking of communion wafers!

We begin to see food as a primary force, moving, shaking, controlling, and shaping history. There have been food laws in every time and place throughout history; Aboriginal, Native American, European, Middle Eastern, Asian, and every known place around the globe. You name it, and virtually every society, culture, religion and civilization, has rules or laws about foods. There are laws to 'use', or 'not use', almost every ingestible ingredient in history. Food has played a dominant role in shaping the times, and places of history, and even all human evolution !

Everything that can be ingested has been used to control manipulate, or stimulate, in some way in its past -- you name it – there are factions on both sides of it ! Virtually every single thing you get at a modern grocery store or restaurant, has detractors, or proponents: for good or bad, either currently, or in the past. In ancient times, many things that you can't even believe could be eaten today, were prized and controlled. All foods have had their unique moment in time, and place.

... to be continued..

Friday, July 02, 2021

In The Devils Garden - A Review by D. Vour - 2 of 4 revised

 Review and Commentary by D. Vour

 Gourmand, & Food Critic, at “The Home"

 “In The Devils Garden - A Sinful History Of Forbidden Food”
by Stewart Lee Allen --  Ballantine Books 

Chapter Two – of Four


We all have favorite foods, and some have traditional places in time, season, or related superstitions ... have you ever tossed salt over your shoulder? Ever been curious why bacon, eggs, toast, and cereal are considered just for breakfast? They weren't for centuries. How did that evolve? We have classic and traditional holiday meals – Turkey feast at thanksgiving comes to mind, or a Christmas Goose, Ham at Easter, even 'Day of the Dead' feasts for the Mexican culture. We all have foods made to celebrate various religious dates. This goes back past ancient Egypt, the Romans, and Greeks.. who have each successively co-opted the others holy day feasts … unto modern times.

Many years ago I saw an intriguing documentary on foods – exploring the idea that food was a big factor why the ancient Roman soldier was so successful. 

They contrasted what the Roman army ate against the sumptuous banquets and the omnivorous diet of the aristocracy; warrior food, versus royal food. 

The documentary recreated the soldiers recipes from ancient cookbooks, prepared, and reviewed the flavors of the foods – even checked nutritional values – It was all quite different than modern times I assure you. 

The food and flavors would never be accepted today, - using herbs, and plants,and ingredients that in modern days would never cross your lips, but were popular favorites of the Roman troops of the day. Flavors that would make a modern person gag. Overripe and putrid foods, and just 'nasty stuff'. Some dishes and sauces were too nasty and not edible ... even by the TV crew. 

However, the idea that one type of food was only acceptable to certain classes was an eye opener to this omnivorous writer … I never followed up on this interesting idea until this book arrived .. but I digress..

I will try to give a sense of the depth and scope of this insanely fun, informative and equally challenging tome. There is a remarkable range of food information covered, and I doubt that I will ever think about any food in the same way ever again. 

The author - Steward Lee Allen – makes wonderful and remarkably intriguing connections, and tells amazing and fascinating stories of how foods have been used to shape history. He utilizes a clever format for the sections, the seven deadly sins. 

He ties these sins to an incredible array of foods and ideas; religious, political, and social. He offers great anecdotes about how these foods have come to associated with the appropriate sins. With 10 pages of fine print bibliography, it is very well researched. 

This book reads like a travelogue around the globe, but through time and places, past and present, covering the four corners. and several ancient civilizations !

Each chapter starts with an appropriate menu to that sin, and there are a few incredible recipes offered from the menus, all done with a delightful bit of tongue in cheek wit liberally applied, reflecting a modern twist on some interesting old foods or drinks – all worth trying at home. Absinthe with Champagne sounded pretty interesting. All look fun, some for curiosity, some because they still taste great ! .

This is a complicated tale of how food has played a role in evolving everything – all aspects of history -- not just physical history, but the whole evolution of our core religious, sociological, anthropological, political, emotional and psychological beliefs! It's a tale of how these ideas and beliefs can be manipulated by society, social organizations, corporations and religions, to affect what we believe, and thus ultimately in modern times : how we buy, eat and see the products we get – often symbolically.

Ketchup, is our modern metaphor for 'blood' (representing a fresh kill when we go out 'hunting' for food -ie driving for a burger). We learn that salads are traditionally 'woman’s food'. As an historical fact, at one time in the 1800's, women were only allowed to eat salads.. meat was forbidden, thus today, commercials selling salads feature women, because we have been inculcated by time and DNA, and traditions, that salads are for 'women folk'.

Conversely, meat is for men. We only see 'He-men' at a BBQ grill in TV meat commercials ! (how would you feel seeing a woman grilling a steak, or a football player eating a dainty salad in those commercials?) - these feelings are created and manipulated to make us think a certain way, by promoting or prohibiting foods! We even have had restrictions on what we can eat on certain days; meatless Monday, fish on Friday. Marketeers know that everyone likes to break rules .. so if it is 'forbidden' or Taboo, you will crave it. We tend to give higher marks to food we feel guilty about. Ever feel guilty eating something? That was because you were manipulated to feel that guilt.. and guilt sells! If you put a warning label on food .. the sales surge ! Why?

This book helps us understand a lot of those why's !

... to be continued..

Thursday, July 01, 2021

In The Devils Garden - A Review by D. Vour - 1 of 4 revised

Review and Commentary by D. Vour 

 Gourmand, & Food Critic, at “The Home"

 “In The Devils Garden - A Sinful History Of Forbidden Food”
by Stewart Lee Allen --  Ballantine Books 

Chapter One of Four 


I just finished reading one of the most interesting books I've ever come across. 

I found it completely by accident as these things usually do, I was looking for another book with a similar title, but mis-typed the search, and by pure synchronicity,   'The Devils Garden' popped up. I saw that it was a history of forbidden food .. which immediately caught my fancy, how fascinating .. !?

I checked it out from the library, and started reading the prologue. I was instantly... hooked -- line and sinker too ! 

I could see that I was going to be caught up in an exciting maelstrom of swirling new ideas to me about food: Taboos ! 

Food as social engineering – who knew? How could we not be fascinated with forbidden foods? What foods are forbidden? I quickly wondered to myself – hmm … religious food bans of course,(or curse?) - but nothing else came immediately to mind. 

After reading a few paragraphs, I realized that this was covering way more than just ...  'don’t eat pork'! 

I saw a comment about  a taboo to enjoy, and a taboo to not enjoy, whilst eating ?!? This begs the question, if it's a taboo or sin to enjoy food, and a taboo or sin not to enjoy food – which side are you on: Saint, or Devil ? hehehe ;) With food, don’t both views have allure? 

I love food preparation and cooking stuff, and have always had a curiosity about foods people have eaten in bygone days. What did a Roman soldier eat? What was the palette of the ancients ? 

Likewise, I've been curious why certain foods are always identified with people or places; think of sauerkraut, and Germany comes to mind, think wine – et voila, La Belle France, and pasta is  “Italian”. Of course today, these stereotypes are of no consequence as  items come from everywhere, but we still think of them as things associated or related to those people, cultures, or places. 

What do you think of first, if I say 'watermelon', 'garlic', curry, or 'sweet potato pie' ? 

I suspect that cultural factors reflect your personal view of these; Chinese food was only for special occasions. Garlic, when I was a kid, was avoided in school as being just for 'Italians, as was the dreaded salami sandwich – garlic breath brought ostracism and social 'death'. 

Curry was a weird 'foreign food'. I didn’t eat curry 'til I got to college. 

Watermelon somehow ascribes to poor southern culture, as does 'fried chicken' – even while both are readily available anywhere around the world, and equally popular or famous in Beijing and Beirut ! What about the poor and oft maligned sweet potato, (and sweet potato pie, which is not quite as popular as its' pumpkin pie cousin)?.

The lowly sweet potato was once a product allowed for european royalty only, and now in modern times, it is thought of as something more for 'poor folks'. In spite of this, the sweet potato is becoming respectable and trendy with modern foodies again. The sweet potato, and other veggies are seeing a re-surging popularity among the hip young organic crowd. 

You could not give kale away 10 years ago. Its only use was decoration on a salad bar. Now kale is everywhere, and in everything !? 

Our ideas about food are constantly evolving! We do assign our belief structure to our foods. Would you eat a live baby octopus ? Apparently, this is quite popular in Korea – but not so much here in USA.!? ... my point exactly!. 

One mans meat,  is another mans throat choker - err - I mean 'poison'! 

Snail, grubs, brains, offal, sweetmeats, organ meat, wild game, bush meat : how do you feel about eating these ? 

What emotions are stirred pondering a bite of fried insects or bush meat? 

These emotions are used to control us, by making certain foods "approved", or "taboos". 

 This tale is brilliantly told with compactness and alacrity. The scope is remarkable, making connections, and contrasts with the ancient and modern views on our constantly evolving and changing attitudes, rules, and laws about food, and food items. There are amazing and incredible histories and anecdotes into the whys and wherefores of how these taboos, superstitions, and traditions have come about … and usually not what you previously expected or believed ! 

End of part 1 ... to be continued..