More Interesting Cars I've known …
by Anno Nymus
Our extended family has had some wonderful cars over, lo – these many
years ! Let's take a trip down nostalgia lane here, and revisit some
of these mechanical marvels, and style wonders !
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up in Hollywood, California in the 1950's was a wonderland of
exploration and excitement every day – cars were the centerpiece of
our daily doings. Car culture a-borning !
car was mandatory – distances were far – time becoming too
precious … Time saving tips every where – freeways were being
invented – get there faster – get more work done – to have
more free time ! … quicker and easier cooking .. TV dinners …
drive thru fast food was coming into the scene ... The weekend
getaway was a ritual ! Tourism, and of course 'profiling ourselves
and strutting' … displaying your status to the world by what make,
model, year chariot you sported !
car for everyone was the goal ! Gas was cheap, and the the wide open
spaces beckoned! We heard Dina Shore singing a catchy jingle, and
urging us to “ See the USA in your Chevrolet !” (did you hum it
mentally just now ?? .. giving your age away ! ). In the 1950's we
were on the move! .. and it was steadily getting faster and faster
every year.
family returned from Europe in 1950 … and after time with family in
the east … and a side trip to Kentucky for a few years .. the trek
to California was made … in a Woody Station wagon. We traveled …
“on the highway that’s the best … Route Sixty-Six..”
California here we come !
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land of Milk and Honey .. but ya need to have a car !
rambles and stops in various towns and places .. we landed in
Northern California.. San Francisco and the Bay Area. Redwoods -
Stanford !
have vivid memories of Uncle Chuck's Mercury .. I wrote a ditty about
it here** … it was a car to remember and all my uncles envied it ..
and borrowed it any chance they could .. it was a hot fast ride ..
and about the most envied car in the area .. my uncles were very into
cars and did a lot of engine and mechanical work .. Grandad had
several Gas Stations – the Flying A notably – but they guys were
all into tinkering and 'souping-up' – y'know … just to go a bit
faster .. :D
Hot 'n Fast Mercury
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Los Angeles ! City of Angels ! “Hollywood!”
We finally landed in Southern California .. and wound up in the movie
capital of the world: “HOLLYWOOD” … we lived almost in the
shadow of the big sign – it hovered over us like a benediction …
me 'n my buddies climbed up to it a few times – badge of honor to
11 year olds .. we were in West Hollywood awhile , and then moved a
block away from Sunset and La Brea !! – The Heart of Hollywood !
walked past the old Charlie Chaplin movie studios on my way to the
bus stop (or nearby Fosters Freeze -for a cone or banana split :D ) -
seems we ate a million times at the Tiny Naylors drive in – right
across from the movie studio!
Chaplin Studios became home of Kermit the Frog!
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Tiny Naylor's Drive In
This was literally our back yard … we lived on the street behind the houses in this picture !
Tiny Naylor's was a great and famous place – directly across from the Chaplin Studios, it was one of the original car
hop drive-in's .. you could show off, and talk with other cars whilst
eating from a tray in the window – you could actually eat in your
car... with the radio playing your favorites stations .. mostly KFWB –
channel 98.. the original LA rock station with Kasey Kasem - Rock 'n Roll baby !
would pop in for a burger and shake – show off and profile for us.
Rumors abound, that it was the model for the Happy Days car hop set

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English cars and California !?

1949 Hillman-Minx – English Import
had a Hillman-Minx for a while – and this one was 'special' <wink
nudge> .. designed for the UK, it did not like the heat of Southern California nor driving on the LA freeway ! It would overheat at
the slightest excuse; stuck in a traffic jam, or on small hill.
radiator was tiny –made for English weather. On I-10 ..going east
from LA – the hill from West Covina up and over – past Forest
Lawn – and down into Pomona was just too steep for the
Hillman-Minx. That hill was a mountain to that car! My 12 year old
memories are vivid: Sitting on the verge of I-10 with Semi- Trucks
blowing us almost off the road, whilst Volkswagen's passed us like
we were snails – which we were -- barely creeping along under the
required speed - trying not to overheat ... chanting “... I know you
can! I know you can! I know you can! …
it did always overheat and boil over .. or, we got stuck with 'vapor
lock'. All we could do is pull over - open the hood (bonnet?) , wait for the engine to cool enough so it could
start again. Once a sympathetic trucker stopped to help, and showed us
how to pour water carefully on the carburetor to cool it down! Thank
you Mr Truck Driver!!
was a unique car, and since I was the one to do all the cooling and
engine bits .. I was quite happy when it went away .. as I recall ;-)
The history of the Hillman-Minx is interesting in the car nerd sense
.. but the car was a lemon by California standards of the time .. it
could not beat the heat or tiny hills ! Buh-bye!
* *
up - we acquired a 1957 Plymouth - Belvedere – with the big fin
tail lights ! My folks bought it from a friend that had won it in a
contest: “Describe an earthquake in one word”. Dad's friend won
the car using the word “Tumultuous!” .. and I have loved, and used
that word as often as I could find a place to put it - ever since !!
hahaha !
the novel and Avant-garde Push Button Transmission .. just
left of the steering wheel!
of style and fins in the 50's … The Arizona bunch had kewl cars that were all
top of the line .. snazzy and futuristic … check out those tail
lights ! This was the height of luxury and style!
Imperial snazzy and iconic 50's design !
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on .. we came into a tank of a vehicle .. a virtually indestructible
1950 Plymouth Station Wagon, that ultimately got nicknamed
“Bonaparte” .. because no matter how things went, it never met
it's 'Waterloo' :D … It
was an ever stalwart, 1950's Plymouth Station Wagon – (car nerd
note: the original 'Suburban')
Our particular car made numerous treks all over the American Continent
… notably … quite a few treks, and back country excursions,
throughout Mexico. The car became well known by every shade tree
mechanic within hailing distance of any place it traveled, or was
parked !
but needy for constant attention .. it always needed tinkering or fussing. It once notably
had 4 blow-outs simultaneously .. but that’s a story for another time
;) .. and I digress.
Bonaparte was indestructible! Anyone could fix it with bailing wire
and chewing gum! .. sometimes just a good “word” would do it –
trying not to be late for work - hoping it would kick over nicely, you would repeat whilst petting the dashboard gently – “ OK .. now
pleease … start... THIS time .. can't be late !!” ..
found this photo online in vintage car ads – for sale – and
appears to be a clone of our dear Ol' Bonaparte ..!? who knows, that
car was a TANK .. this might even BE .. Bonaparte !?!
Plymouth Suburban
tales soon - from the family annals of car culture madness ...and some nifty vintage vehicles that I have enjoyed over the years .. the 1965 Corvair Van tale is worthy of tuning back in to catch...
it will be tumultuous !
tales to follow .. stay tuned !!
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photos by permission – and/or public domain
Kings Mountain Wild Ride -