Thursday, March 17, 2011

For Heaven's Sake!

Let's shut down the nuclear plants and stop building new ones! 

In light of the events that are on-going in Japan, it makes no sense to build more of these things!

On March 16, 2011 in Victoria, Texas, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board held the first day of a two day hearing to consider a Chicago based corporation, Exelon's proposal to build a nuclear plant on the Guadeloupe river.

Houston environmental attorney, Jim Blackburn, representing Texans for a Sound Energy Policy (TSEP) gave a very good speech in opposition to the new nuclear plant.

Here are some key points:
... the position of Exelon, it does not matter if there is faulting, hundreds of oil and gas wells, toxic gas and methane and inadequate water supply as long as the power block itself is not directly affected. Additionally, there is a total disdain for instability and uncertainty of the geologic platform for this facility.
...we have a geologic platform of silt and clay that is riddled by fractures and oil and gas penetrations.  The subsurface here is active.  It has cracks.  It is pressured in certain locations.
Exelon's proposed plan includes a cooling pond that is clearly crossed by two and potentially four subsurface faults. These faults clearly threaten the stability of the cooling pond.
...Exelon cannot guarantee water at all times .... Exelon clearly states that it will simply shut the plant down when the cooling pond levels are too low.

I think the Japanese Nuclear Companies said the same thing and it turns out they CANNOT "just shut them down".

The hearings will continue...

Victoria Texas
Map shows the mostly likely areas of Nuclear Contamination.

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