Saturday, January 11, 2014

Right hands

Right handed people never realize how much they use their right hand until they are forced, for some reason, to use their left. It's not a problem for those who are ambidextrous, but for the rest of us, its a challenge with a capital C.

On New Years eve, I was attempting to put a large, heavy, steel pan lid on the shelf above the stove, and it slipped off the shelf, dropping down on my forearm with enough force for me to see stars, only I didn't see stars, I saw fireworks!

Doctors in ER did the X-ray, splint routine and sent me home to wait until I could see the Orthopedic Dr after the holiday. While I was in the Orthopedic waiting room, I saw that I was one of many New Years accidents. I was the only one with an arm in a sling, but there was an abundance of braces and crutches.

Learning to use my left hand is a challenge. I've been told that after a few days, using the left hand gets easier and I can tell that even after several days, compensating movements are easier. I have even been able to write letters to my sister that are quite legible. Today my left hand writing was good enough to address the envelope my self.

I don't know exactly how long it will take for my wrist to heal, but I am determined to follow doctor's orders so the time will be shortened as much as possible.

NOT My New Years Resolution
NOT My New Years Resolution

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