It was back in 1987 when my sister Allene had come to visit with Mom and Andy in Abbeville Louisiana for a couple of weeks and of course her husband was with her.
Our visit was going great. We girls would sit around and talk about things we wish we could get and things we really didn't need of course, as our closets were bulging at the seams already. But you know how we girls are, if any thing new comes out, we want it!
Mom and Allene had gone shopping and bought each of them some new yarn to start new throws with the new colors that had come out. Not that they needed one more throw, because they had plenty all ready.
When Andy and James saw all the new yarn they asked them what in the world are you doing buying more of that stuff, you all ready have a closet full!
They answered, but we don't have any in
this color!!!!
Then the guys wanted to know what's for supper.
Oh, okay, we'll fix your supper but then we're going to sit down and get started on our new throws.
So this is how it went for a few days. Cook, clean up the kitchen, sit crochet for a while, take a break have a cup of coffee and a slice of cake or maybe eat some good cookies.
Once supper was over, then the guys had to get their own eats and drinks 'cause the girls had done their job for the guys for the day, and now we can sit and work on the throws as long as we want. Yeah!
After a few days, I wanted to join in too, so I asked Sis (as I called her), if she would show me how to crochet. Of course she would be happy to! Then all three of us could sit and work together on our throws.
I couldn't just do something simple, oh no not me! I wanted to do a bed spread not just a throw.
Well, my birthday was coming up, so she told me we would go to
TG&Y in the morning and she would let me chose the colors I wanted. So after taking care of breakfast and cleaning up, we head off to do our thing.
Now, don't ask me why I chose the colors I did, because I couldn't tell you. Only thing I can say is, I like fall, and browns, oranges and cream colors remind me of the fall colors. So there you are!
Sis even bought the needle for me. We check out and home we go. I'm so excited I'm going to learn how to crochet, and not just that simple throw either, mine will be a bedspread! Hallelujah!!
Now I'll confess I'm not too smart. I didn't see the days or the hours that it was going to take me to get this job finished. No sir! I had not a clue.
When we get home, its time for lunch so we set the stuff down; get in the kitchen (again); get through that and now time for me to learn! Yeah!!
We sit down and Sis gets it started, hands it to me and says make a long chain so I work and work. Finally, I ask if its long enough. She says lets go check it on the bed if it will go all the way across. Well of course it didn't. Back to chain a little more. Finally I have it long enough and its time to start doing the shell stitch, making a shell in each one of the holes.
By now its time for a break, so we relax for a while and have a cup of coffee. This was back in the days when I could drink a pot by myself. Can't do that any more, thank the good lord.
Any way, we worked on our projects for the rest of the week. I learned how to get to the end, turn around and come back. I had started off with the brown now it was time to start another color, so Sis showed me how to tie the thread and start again.
I did a little more work on it then put it away, so we could spend time talking before they left for home in Georgia.
I thanked her for my gift and for teaching me the art of crocheting. I hated to see them leave, but maybe they would visit again soon. Well that didn't happen.
Now, I never pulled that project back out for at least three months. I finished the orange did the cream color and put it away again. Only this time, I didn't pull it back out for at least one year.
One day, going through the closet, I came across the unfinished bedspread and thought how nice and warm that it would be for the coming winter, so I pulled it out once again. This time i finished it, except for the edging, but at least I could use it. Now its 1980.
Jerry and I move here to
Groesbeck, Texas in 1988. We live in the country 'till 1990, when we buy this property; I want to say, maybe in 1995.
So, around 1995, I pull that bedspread out and completely finish it off. Praise the lord and hallelujah! Job well done, even if it did take me 17 years to complete. Like they say, better late than never. Right?
Hope ya'll enjoy my story.
P.S. My sweet loving sister got to see the finished project before she passed away in 1996. A good ending, huh?
[Editor's note: This story was written by Barbara.
Apologies from the Editor for not getting this wonderful story on line a lot earlier. At least is not quite 17 years.]
[Who is Barbara? Barbara is the widow of MrsB's brother Jerry (Gerald Dean Abbott October 6, 1931 - July 25, 2010). MrsB's brothers and sisters are: Adeline, Esther, Richard, Jerry, Elbert, Charles and Mickey.]
Fall Trees |