Saturday, January 17, 2015

New Year's Resolutions

Some do, some don't, but I usually make them. From my list of resolves, I actually accomplish some of them. It's a game I play with myself because I list things I "could, would and should" do and call them New Year's Resolutions. Sometimes it's a short list and, on occasion, it might number a dozen.

Of course, "the classic" resolves of loosing weight and exercising are number 1 and 2 on the list, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. After a few days, or even a week or two, the resolve weakens and fades away.

Many of the things on my list are things I want to do but haven't gotten around to... yet. I also list things that need doing, like finishing craft projects before starting new ones. I often list things that require study, (a language), or practice, (the violin), but one resolution that I always make doesn't have a name or description.

I resolve to "do something different during the year that I have never done before". I never know what it will be until it happens. I never plan the 'happening'. It usually occurs when I make a spontaneous decision to try something new. One year it was raising chickens and selling the eggs. One year it was having my ears pierced. One year I learned how to knot pearls. Last year I knitted a lot of scarves and gave them to the homeless.

As the year progresses I forget about the nameless resolution, but when it happens, a light bulb goes on and Voila! There it is! Another resolution accomplished!

Resolution Accomplished!
Resolution Accomplished!

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