Monday, January 02, 2017

What now?

I wonder what 17 is going to bring us.  The only thing we know for certain is, 17 follows 16.  When the president elect becomes president, we'll see if promises made in campaign speeches become reality, or disappear as campaign rhetoric. 

As for me, I'll make an effort to keep most of my new year's resolutions.  I cheat a little when I make them by listing things I want to actually do.  In any case, we all know there is no 'woulda, coulda, shoulda'.

I'm starting the new year with several new kindle books downloaded from the public library via Amazon.  I will also spend time 'coloring' in some adult coloring books I got for Christmas.  I've known about adult coloring books for several years, but never contemplated 'coloring' in one myself.  Surprise! Surprise!  I've discovered that its really a lot of fun.  The range of colors in gel pens, along with colored pencils and crayons, lets one exploit all the attributes of color.  I find myself experimenting with color while working the designs. 

Maybe coloring will be the new and different something I try to do every year.  Its certainly a new way of relaxing and spending worry free time  away from TV breaking news

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