Saturday, April 29, 2017

New Worries

I have added 3 more worries to those I already had.

After watching a TV program about having over fished the oceans, this is one of them. Fish is 70% of the major source of the worlds food supply, and now we learn that 90% of the worlds fish stock is being fished to their limit or beyond it.

Another addition to my worry list came after reading a news item in the paper about the letter of Wednesday, April 26, 2017, signed by 150 faculty members of the University of Texas to Chancellor William McRaven asking him to reduce methane emissions leaks from oil producing facilities operating on more than 2 million acres of land owned by the University of Texas. Between the years 2009-2014, more than 9,000 wells pumped 11.7 million tons of methane into the air. Oil and gas facilities are main methane producers, but other sources like landfill waste and manure also produce methane gas.

Fear of nuclear accidents have been at the top of the list. Watching the awesome achievement of erecting a dome over the Chernobyl nuclear explosion site was amazing to say the least, but the dome is only a temporary fix. It's planned to last a long time, but this dome was built as the old shell was collapsing. Eventually another larger dome will have to be built when this one starts to collapse, with each succeeding dome being larger and larger to contain the radiation dust.

My grandmother used to tell me not to worry about things that won't make a difference a hundred years from now.

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