Sunday, August 27, 2017

Rain, Rain and more Rain

I have a river flowing by my front door. There has been rain from the outer bands of Harvey, a cat 4 hurricane, before it even reached land. I watched the TV reports of the damage and flooding as the hurricane progressed, but my area was relatively free from the heavy wind and rain for a day or so.

Family and friends telephoned frequently to check on the weather where I live and to make certain I was not in danger. I responded to one and all that I had enough food and water to outlast any hurricane and I assured family members that all was fine. We discussed the predictions of flooded streets, but never having been discombobulated during past storms, I felt that in a few days Harvey would be history.

Weather reports warned of serious flooding and tornadoes, but it wasn't' until late Saturday evening that my area began having tornado warnings every 5 to 10 minutes, and that Houston would be hard hit around 9:00 pm. At 9:30pm, the street in front of my apartment building had become a fast flowing river. It was running so fast I could hardly believe my eyes. I had once seen water like that outside Tucson Arizona when I witnessed the Pantana running in a flash flood.

I'm writing this at noon Sunday and the river is still running. It has reached the top step of the landing to the entrance of an apartment foyer, but since the water hasn't gotten higher, I'll keep my fingers crossed. The sky is so dark with blinding rain I have to have lights on to walk around the rooms. The river is not running so fast now that is has become more of a lake. I think It's time for some COMFORT FOOD..


Anonymous said...

it definitely sounds like a very fluid situation !!

The Houston Storm is likely a 1000 year flood event ! .. we just hope it doesn't last 1000 years!! .. else we wont see the end of it ?!!

Its a very very good thing that climate change is 'Fake' !?

The city and state have done as much as possible but this is an unprecedented weather event .. now its down to neighbors saving neighbors !

there are attic rescues going on throughout the whole city .. this is much much worse than Katrina because it covers an area nearly the size of Los Angeles !?

we are hoping the electricity stays on .. but we have 4 or 5 more days of this to go .. it's very dicey situation ..we're getting the generator ready for use if needed ..

We're all well .. so far .. will keep y'all posted ..

this is Jacque Quze .. saying thanks for all your good words and support .. we will keep y'all posted as this unfolds and winds down ..

Michael Hausman said...


Our prayers are with you. As always Linda and I enjoy your updates and stories.


Unknown said...

Marion we are praying for you and Bob.

Dave and Julie