Friday, June 01, 2018

baseball vocabulary

I watch the Astros baseball games on TV.  I have liked the game since childhood,and remember hearing radio broadcasts of games thru open windows as I rode a tricycle on the sidewalk past neighboring houses. The other evening I began taking notice of the way the game announcer talked about the action on the field including stats about the individual players and teams.  I started writing down some of the words that belong to baseball 'lingo'.  I'm sure I missed a few, but here are words I heard during one game. 

plate, mound, curve, slider, streak, walk, bottom, lead, zone, top, hit, series, foul, pitch, outside, retired, count, alive, swing, miss, loaded, base, homer, urns, strike, season, breaking, round, score, catch, spin, stats, trade, tag, error, steal, double, triple, play, slump, single, tie, safe, wild, position, half, starters, sinker, bullpen, hook, grounded, delivery, throw, bench, stole, down, face, fly, borderline, away, relief, line, center, field, dugout, hill, deck corner, out, runners, popped

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