Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Bare Blog Names by KimB

[Editor's Post]

Back in the early days of the blog, we opted to buy extra DNS/URL names for the blog. Back-in-the-Day these were just about given away and having a few extra pathways to the blog seemed like a great way for guests to stop by for a nice cuppa while sharing our family stories.

Like many other internet related things, the price of the Name+Extention went from

-> cheap neat!
-> wow!
-> ouch!
-> no longer in the budget

There really isn't any reason for the DNS names to be expensive but the name-granters have figured that those with deeper pockets will pay "whatever the market will bear", which for our blog, has hit: No Mo'Bare.

Our current DNS names are:

And for our other blog:

The cost of the 6 names has now exceeded $300.00 USD. We do not monetize our blogs, and we have no plans to do so, so we have opted to reduce the number of names that we have to pay for out of pocket.

Starting in December 2018, the additional DNS/URL names for the blog will be:

The blog has been active for so many years now; filled with wonderful stories and contributions from family and friends and we plan that it will be around for a whole lot longer, sharing the stories that have yet to be written, after all, families never run out of stories. Our visitors may have to type a few more letters or replace a bookmark to find them.

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