Friday, July 05, 2019

A Story for a Hot Day by KimB

I went shopping mid-morning as the heat was running towards 100+; so nice and cool in the store. I did the rounds of the discount bins and found a few items and I hit a good sale on Fruit Popsicles too.

We recently tried them and they are very good: 100% fruit and no junk. They come in different flavors and sizes. There is a standard popsicle size (4 per box) or a tube size (10 per box). We decided the 10 box smaller one is better as it is just enough when u want a cool pick-me-up and you can have a second one guilt free.

I pay for my small haul and a nice person helps me out to put the bags in the car. The heat hits like a hot skillet as we leave the store for the real outside.

I go to open the doors of my High Tech DNA car and
they do not open
It is 100+F outside and my super fancy car won't open the darn door!!! I tug, pull, and push all the ways I know of to trigger the door to open and ... NADA. I stab all the In Case buttons on the key fob and ... NADA.

I know there is a bypass for an emergency key that I have to find, but
my popsicles are melting!!! YIKES!!!
zho ... the kind person takes my groceries back inside and stashes them in their cold box until I can get things sorted.

I have to uncover the key bypass, which after a bit I manage to do. Now I have the door open and ...

DNA cars do not use a key to start them
hmmmm ....

What to do Percy?

I make a call to the dealership service folks and explain the dilemma: I am in the car but how do you start it with no key???

They explain there is a voodoo ritual to get the car to start and after a few tries I get the car running. WOOTS!!!

I collect my popsicles from cold storage and make it home PDQ to get them in the freezer. YIPPEEE!!

Now I have to deal with the DNA car and we complete the Jedi Mind Trick again and cruise down to the dealership where they quickly replace a battery in the key fob for me.



The whole DNA car depends on a BATTERY???

The story ends well. The popsicles are fine. The groceries put away. I got an adventure and it cost $5.00. WOW!!

If the internet doesn't collapse under its own bloat first, all we have to do is wait for the key fobs linking the internet, cars, and commerce system together to have a $5 battery failure. All those self-driving cars will congeal on the tarmac as their parking-valet systems collapse into a pile of discharged ions.

For the want of a battery the system was lost

The End

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