Saturday, April 04, 2020


The Coronavirus is truly an anti-human killer!  Every day brings a deeper comprehension of why it is so difficult to protect ourselves from this terrible virus.  If predictions are correct, this Coronavirus is going to be with us for a long time.  We are being told to get ready for waves of the virus as it moves across the country, creating new hot spots.  

We are keeping in touch with family members by phone.  Everyone we know is quarantined and learning how to manage the grocery shopping without actually going inside the store.  Workers are able to fill orders by phone and place them in the car without the driver leaving the vehicle. We haven't ordered from restaurants, but I imagine it's easy.  I might try ordering low mien noodles from our favorite Thai restaurant. 

We are also planning a Ruth Stout garden.  Apparently, we are late to the party, but after reading about it on the net, it makes sense, seems easy, and it's productive.  It's also called, 'No dig gardening', and or 'Straw bale gardening'.  When this project gets underway, I'll post updates.        KEEP SAFE, KEEP HEALTHY


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