Saturday, May 23, 2020

Waiting for a vaccine

I'm wondering, just like the rest of the world, how much longer it will take for us to find a way of controlling this killer virus.  In the meantime, our excitement is gathering eggs.  We get two sizes; the larger hens lay extra large eggs, while the Banty hens lay smaller ones.  We never know if there will be 5 or 6.

The other day, one of the Banty hens flew over the fence into the neighbors yard so we had a chicken chase similar to the one we had when the dog learned how to open the yard gate and went roaming the neighbor hood. 

we are keeping in touch with family members by phone.  Every phone conversation starts with 'How are you?'  The news gets a little stale after such frequent calls, but so far everyone in the family has avoided the virus. 


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