When I made an inspection trip to see the damage to my house, it was a most stressful day! Not only is the damage ugly and extensive, SOMEONE HAS BURGLED THE HOUSE! Among the stolen items was my antique piano stool and quilt collection. A box containing gold colored Sacajawea dollars was emptied, but the box holding the money was left behind. The thief didn’t realize the box was more valuable than the few dollars they took. I can only hope more items in the house are not ear marked for another burglary attempt!

Until repairs on my house have been made, I’ll be staying in an apartment in Houston. Friends and family have loaned me furnishings, stocked the pantry and freezer and even hung bird feeders for bird watching! That’s one of the things I miss most, the variety of birds, especially the Cardinals, living in the woods outside my windows at home.
Houston’s city streets are decorated for the holidays and the shops are full of people. Night time is a kaleidoscope of colored lights and moving vehicles. One can’t help being enthused with holiday spirit!
The Houston Post Office gives hurricane evacuees a free post box for forwarded mail until they can return home. On days I check my mail, there are long lines of people waiting to mail holiday packages. If the size and number of packages could indicate the state of the country’s economy, I’d say we were in good shape!

I have a Harry Potter closet in my apartment and have decorated the doors with bells and bows. A small table top Christmas tree with ornaments and lights sits in a corner of my living room and when I turn off the radio which plays Christmas music 24/7, I practice playing Xmas carols on my violin.
There are thousands and thousands of evacuees in Houston; many of them are in dire straits. FEMA is attempting to limit the housing for evacuees but Houston’s city government is concerned that it will become known as the U.S. city with the most homeless people. I wish all the evacuees could be as well cared for as I am. When I feel sorry for myself, all I have to do is think of them and count my blessings!
It is wonderful that you are taking all the disaster excitement so well, and it seems that you have 'landed on your feet' for now. Good for you!
Glad you are posting and keeping us up to date, and GLAD you're back on line.
Gene E. Olajee
Great Hat!
Phil A. Buster
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