Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mimi Cat

By the time the full moon rose over Houston, Texas on the 15th of September, 2008, the city had been 4 days into an electrical outage caused by the hurricane IKE. The outage was to continue for many weeks along with other deprivations.

My son’s apartment is near mine in the same complex and we are able to enjoy living near each other. We were well stocked for emergencies; we had flashlights, and battery operated radios, food and water for ourselves and pets, land line phones, and a full tank of gasoline in my son’s van. My son also had a tiny battery operated television.

During the days after Ike came ashore in all it’s fury, my son and I developed routines for passing the hours while sheltering in place. Daylight allowed activities that didn’t require electricity, but when the sun went down, the light faded quickly from dusk to a blackness of such intensity that one literally could not see their hand in front of their face.

One evening not long after he had said good night to me, my son returned to my apartment saying he wanted to show me something. Holding my hand, he helped me walk thru the darkness, beyond the patio and the hanging foliage of the trees into the parking area. There it was; a moon in full glory! The radiance was breathtaking. The glow, filling the sky, faded to silver as it touched the concrete of the parking lot. What a delightful moment to stand and admire such beauty knowing that destruction of dreadful proportion had occurred as hurricane IKE swept over land.

It wasn’t until the next morning that I realized Mimi wasn’t hiding in one of her secret lairs but that she must have slipped out the door when I went to see the full moon. I deplored her leaving and could only hope she would find her way back. I thought that maybe the hurricane winds had blown the usual odors of the area away and left behind strange ones that might confuse Mimi if she was inclined to return to captivity.

I was told stories, claiming to be truthful, of cats returning weeks, even months, and in one case, a year later. As hope of such a tale being the case with me, I got used to walking from room to room without having to step over a sleeping cat that refused to move out of the way. I began to enjoy having the whole bed to myself when sleeping and not having to share with a cat that liked to sleep in the middle of the bed. It was a relief not to keep food and water dishes clean and full.
As the weeks passed I began to miss Mimi’s presence. Little by little I began to miss her curiosity and her antics when she found a new box to hide in. I missed her alertness to all the sounds in and outside the apartment. She was like a watch dog. I could tell by the way she reacted to noises, whether it should be investigated or ignored.

A month passed. I was being encouraged to get a replacement cat but I was reluctant to give that suggestion any credence. In fact, I considered my computer a replacement.

Yesterday, my son spied a cat sleeping in a pile of leaves in a neighbor’s yard. It was Mimi! A tall cyclone fence separated the properties preventing us walking over to her and picking her up. Mimi was disoriented and hesitant to come to the fence but with coaxing she made the effort. She was too weak from starvation to climb or jump the fence. We fed her thru the holes in the fence but the problem was trying to get her to our side and home again.

My son got the brilliant idea of taking the cat tree from the apartment and putting it over the fence so Mimi could climb up and we could catch her. I could hardly believe Mimi was home again! She was in bad shape, nearly starved to death, dirty and stinking to high heaven. But she had enough energy to purr and purr and purr as we held her.

We took her to the vet’s the next morning to be treated for fleas however the vet discovered she had a temperature and was given antibiotic shots instead. She is also taking an elixir of vitamins to help in regaining her health, but the flea treatment has to be delayed.

She seems very happy to be home again. She follows me everywhere and now wants to be held and petted whereas before the great ‘escape’ she did not tolerate being held and stroked too often. I am happy to share the bed again and have accepted the fact that she is back in charge and I am the ‘lady in waiting’ ready to attend her every whim.


Anonymous said...

The adventures of your mimi cat are a bit parallel to some of the wild 'n crazy adventures down here at the home...

It seems the full moon has a similar effect on some of the gang here ... and once't in a while someone will get the wanders, but recently the concept got way out of hand. Let me tell you what happened. This is a true tale of a 'lost generation', and it happened on a full moon!

Well, there was a lot of staff retribution after the recent pie dust up, and ensuing spontaneous pie throwing contest! The staff decided that we did not deserve 'fruit cup' until the general demeanor and overall behavior was commensurate with our ages. [This, it seems to me, is like saying the beatings will stop ...when morale improves!].

The witholding of fruit cup was the shot across the bow, that led to several of the folks banding together and forming a committee to 'take action'. So far so good. Here it needs to be noted that someone had put up posters in the neighborhood that week for a lost cat, and this dovetailed nicely into the unfolding events. As you will see, trouble was a brewin' !

It seems that someone - we suspect it was Al Zimer - who got the bright idea that if they went 'walkabout', erstwhile on a hunt for the advertised lost cat... but if they dawdled and took a long time .... that after a few hours, the staff folks would worry, see the error of their mizerable ways, be sorry, and everyone would be welcomed back with open arms, and endless fruit cup and other delights would be heaped as rewards to the cat hunters - good samaritans. That was Al's 'theory' anyway.

What nobody knew was... that some in this 'committee' of male residents - had other plans, and the fruit cup business was a smokescreen. It was about a kitty, but of entirely other sorts ! All the men were single, and thought that 'companionship' was long overdue. It seems that one of the most vocal members - a Mr. Randy Friskee - knew where there possibly was 'a cat house' !?! It was unanimously decided that should be the first stop, and the alleged 'search' would commence there as that was the perfect cover story !

Just before lunch, the group silently gathered in the foyer... and told the receptionist they intended on taking a pre-lunch amble. Besides Al Z., this group Included Juan D. Rhur, Van DerLust, and Mr. Ootanaboot, and several others who were now all dutifully 'committed' to the venture and wanted to go find the lost 'kitty' as quickly as possible! [they probably all should have been 'committed' instead? but I digress] ... So off they set... this motley crew of good samaritans - shambling 'n ambling - but basicly moseying on a bee line directly to the cat house.

Now the cat house was occupied by Ms. Viola Agriee - a delightful woman, who of course everyone knew as ' Vi' ... needless to say the crew was making good time with their canes and walkers, having animated conversation - and altho a bit breathless at the pace - proceeding to step lively as they neared her place. For years rumors had circulated that Viola was renown for 'entertaining'.

Naturally the first to go up to the door was the handsome and well read - though retired - travelogue writer Mark O'Paulo. Vi invited the gang in ... and was curious about the visit, but being a genteel sort - glanced up and down the street - then had them enter quickly.

Mark O made the introductions as they came through the door ... . Vi ushered them into the sitting room, and after all were seated, she inquired if they would like some refreshement before discussing the reason for the visit. All perked up at this, and everyone nodded in affirmation that refreshment sounded very good.

Miss Vi - excused herself ... and while she was preparing refreshment, the men exclaimed at what a lovely lady she was, and how nice the house was....... but where was the 'entertainment' ? ... Shortly Vi came back in and passed the lemonade around ... she finally asked what the men wanted.

Mark said they were there for entertainment. One said ... oh I'd like something exotic. Another said I prefer soft and cuddly. One said he wasnt fussy, One said he would like to try an 'asian', and so it went... all of the gents expressing their interests.

Needless to say, Vi seemed to ponder this a moment, and said gentlemen I think I have exactly what you desire. She excused herself and came back shortly with a chess set, and a garden basket full of cats and kittens. It seems she was the famed old cat-lady down the street -- who was known to keep any, and many, stray cats and her cat 'house'. It seems Miss Vi had a house of cats.... not the other way 'round.

As she requested Mark to set up the chess pieces, she dutifully passed around cats, and kittens... saying ... 'Here is a delightful 'exotic' for you', and for you... here is a Siamese - these are from asia... and for you a wonderful tabby - homely but loving.... my isnt this Himalayan ever so soft 'n cuddly... and last .... for you .. here is a lovely stray I just took in - not much to look at but very sweet. I do hope you'll enjoy them, as I have so many here, its hard to find homes for them all !

Suddenly, she became all business, and pointing to the chess set commanded 'now... who wants to make the first move -- white or black?' Unbeknowst to the gents .. Miss Vi was a grand chess master, renown for playing online all over the world, and rumored, even outter space. She was also known as a local matron of the library... [which she supported with generous purchases each saturday...] She worked the chess matches like a skilled neuro-surgeon with chess pieces a-flying. She had a match with each stunned man ... one by one .. knocking then down like dominoes, she made quick work of the whole bunch... and prodeded to say.. "well gentlemen... that concludes the 'entertainment' portion of the afternoon! - That was very entertaining!!" ...and proceded to add "however, I'm almost late for my water aerobics class .. do come back again... and enjoy the cats.... They are such wonderful companions.There will be no fee - they are free."... And with that she pretty much ejected the bunch en-masse - each holding his new cat. They waved as she zoomed off in her Corvette to meet the water polo instructor at the Y.

Well all I can say is - never - speak ill about the powers of fruit cup.

After hours of stress and worry, when everyone was late for lunch, and the staff noticed that they wern't in their rooms, the head cook -Ms.'Hoot' Quezine - came up with a brilliant scheme. She put out a tray of fruit cups on the front porch...gently tapping the ceramic cups with a spoon .. much like a bell. So it wasnt long before the breeze carried the chimes and tantalizing scent wafting down the block to the now fully dazed and confused 'search committee'. Needless to say, on detecting chime, and the aroma of the fruit cup tray, they hustled back to the 'home' asap... quickly forgetting all thoughts of cat houses and entertainments. Fruit cup was more powerful than human nature!

Great Joy broke out among the staff upon seeing the men returning with the cats 'n kittens ... the staff DID have a turn around of feelings - [cats can do that to ya ] and understanding the error of their ways, they decided that the odd pie fight wasn't really so bad, and to make amends they welcomed all back with open arms [ while passing out improvised litter boxes made from extra bed pans]. The staff was simply astounded that not ONE cat, but many were 'found' !?!? [this caused no end of gossip amongst the staff for many moons .. as none of the participants would ever explain where they 'really went'!]... it remains a mystery yet - except between you and me!

In all the confusion of their absence, preparations had been made for the gents return, and in their anxiety, and to pass the time, some of the staff had even made flower garlands... so each man was individually welcomed back to the home by senior aide ... Miss R. Ables... who presented each man with a beautiful flower 'lei' as they came thru the door - and thusly, she is forever after known as 'Lei' Miss R Ables...!!

The cats 'n kittens became wonderful companions for all the folks at the home ...Such joy was there, that great heaps of fruit cup and other delights were abundant at each meal... and some even noted that Al Z. was right all along ... [altho he never knew it] ... and thus we conclude the escapade of the Big Break Out & Cat-astro-fee! ... Some of the staff noted that the orginal advertised lost cat was not among the ones from Miss Vi's !?

So you ask about the lost cat!? ... It seems that the missing cat made her own way home -after a month - it was after all a full moon. Her worried owner was so pleased to have her home, because she is a wonderful siamese cat .. very fluffy and cuddly... she is exotic, and purrs like a motorboat!.

So from the home ... I'm glad to report that this is all true - except for some minor literary license [anyone know where you apply for the annual re-newal by the way ?] ... so as always, ...until next time.... signing off from the home .. Miles Togo.

CAT Replacement Parts said...

When I reached your personal comment about no longer having to fill the food and water dishes, and finally having the whole bed to yourself, I smiled at how much sleep we both have lost due to the love of our animals. My dog, Nietzsche is only about the size of a cat, and sometimes believes he actually is a cat. He always thinks that the bed is his and that i am disrupting his beauty sleep whenever I climb into bed. I also share the experience of a cat mysteriously disappearing. for over a month, my neighbors cat vanished, and then suddenly came back acting as if she were never gone. In general I think people have underestimated their pets and have overlooked the intelligence that these creatures have.