Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Checkmate! by KimB

[Editor's Note: This story was written by KimB]

Uncle Jerry was a favorite of everyone. Although I cannot say I loved any one of my aunts or uncles more than any other but Uncle Jerry was always a highlight when he came to visit.

Our family always seemed to congregate at various locations and often at my Grandmother and Grandfather's house. Family gatherings just "happened" and times together were full of interesting and often amusing events.

I had learned chess at a young age from my brother and probably a lot of other family members too. I can't remember a time when I didn't know how to move the pieces on the board. Of course, I didn't know any strategy and was easy prey for a 3 move checkmate (and I still am).

I was just starting high-school and Jerry had come to visit Grandmother and Grandfather. Grandfather had a wood shop and was making custom chess boards for sale at swap-meets. Granddad would bring in some of his creations for us to check out. Jerry and I would test the boards by playing games on them and give them a "thumbs up" when done. (They almost never got a "thumbs down" because the boards where smooth and the pieces fitted just perfectly in the squares.)

Jerry was a master of strategy and I had yet to learn any. I just played "all out" but Jerry won the most. He kept me "slugging it out" with him and our chess challenges were often the center of attention.

One night, by some unknown method, I was winning! I had managed to capture almost all of Jerry's pieces and still had enough of my own to manage a checkmate. Unfortunately I couldn't quite figure out how to corner his king for the checkmate. We played and played and I sweated, while trying to figure out how to corner the king. At last, I had his king in the corner and I knew the next move or two would end the game in my favor. I pondered carefully what moves I should make next.

Jerry, who by this time was rather tired of my bumbing, said "Kim, move the knight here." He pointed to a square near his king. I didn't hesitate a moment and moved the knight. After all, it was Uncle Jerry. As soon as I took my hand from the piece, Jerry jumped up and proclaimed: "Stalemate!"  He laughed a big belly laugh at my surprise. Granddad and the others laughed too! Sure enough it was a stalemate! I had lost! I was stunned!

Only later, did I realize it was an "illegal" move! My knight was not able to move to that square at all! I confronted Jerry, saying "That was an illegal move! You told me wrong!" He smiled and had a great twinkle in his eyes and said "Never make a move because someone else tells you to..."

I have never forgotten that lesson!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chess players can be sneaky peoples!