I'm not cognizant of all the whys and wherefores of scientific research into mass and matter, quantum mechanics, string theory, black holes and time. Neither am I schooled in the principles that allow computers and other technological devices like touch pads work, but it seems to me, that we are living in a parallel universe ignored by scientists as they search, study, think and talk about the possible existence of them in outer space.
Some where I picked up the notion that computers work on a kind of magnetic field that we have learned to control and expand. After we learned to connected these fields, a private circuit of communication developed. Then a very smart person came along and suggested that rather than keeping the technology private, it would be a good thing if people and businesses could communicate with each other. The worldwide web was created.
That was also the beginning of a parallel universe.
We mail virtual letters, transfer virtual money, read and write virtual books, patrol the skies with virtual security, practice virtual espionage, indulge in virtual porn, create virtual businesses, buy and sell virtual stocks, create virtual art, give virtual lectures , earn virtual degrees, play virtual games, listen to virtual music, etc. etc. etc.
Our lives are dominated by this virtual world of substitutions. If any part of this parallel universe is tampered with, lost, compromised or stolen, we have virtual panics.
But all is not to be deplored. The data of virtual reality is used to create the many physical needs of our physical lives. Last night on the television news, I heard that virtual data will tell us where to plant trees and how to build structures that will withstand the intense heat and cold climate change is bringing. That certainly will be a benefit to the human race as we continue our existence in two worlds.
Parallel Universe |