Saturday, September 19, 2015

So How Does YOUR Garden Grow?


My Water Glass Garden

Water Glass Garlic
Water Glass Garlic
After cousin Loretta told me about her water glass garden, I graduated from just rooting avocado seeds in glasses of water to growing vegetables that will re-grow themselves. I knew that leaves would grow from the tops of carrots if put in water. Years ago I kept several containers of water growing carrot leaves on a kitchen shelf, but I didn't know that celery, garlic, ginger, basil, onions, pineapple, lettuce, scallions or bok choy and sweet potatoes would re-grow themselves from scraps if put in water.

Immediately after my phone chat with Loretta, I went to the kitchen and cut off the bottom two inches of a bunch of celery and placed it glass with water. I did the same with a garlic clove. I was astonished that within three days, the garlic had sprouted and the center of the celery base was showing green shoots.

I picked several sprigs of basil from the plants growing in out door containers, and following instructions found on the internet, I placed them in a glass of water. I expect them to root soon. I'm debating about growing sweet potato vines in water since I don't plan to grow sweet potatoes in soil, but I may grow the vines just for the beauty of a potted plant. Scallions, pineapple and bok choy are on my 'to do' list. My son gave me some pieces of ginger root from his container garden and I'll see what luck I have with that.

Re-discovering these gardening tips that our ancestors practiced eliminates the need for pesticides besides creating a re-occurring supply of veggies. Its a small effort balanced against the gain to be achieved. The images are from web sites describing how to grow various fruits and vegetables.

Water Glass Celery
Water Glass Celery

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