Saturday, September 12, 2015

Stop the World, I Want To Get off

It seems to me that things are moving too fast! I long for quiet hum-drum, monotonous days where daily routines never vary. The same old chores, the same old job, the same old hobbies, the same old meals and the same old friends sharing the same old gossip.

I don't really want to return to the 'old' days, but catastrophes of varying degrees are publicized in all social media outlets 24/7 with non-stop speculation over the least event exaggerating its importance in the public mind.

These occurrences are brought to the public mind so rapidly we hardly have time to digest the meaning of one event before another replaces it. There's a never ending report of wars between countries, climactic devastation, crimes of robbery and murder, corruption and malfeasance of public office and deadly power struggles between religious beliefs.

No wonder we find relief from these harrowing events by watching late night comedians on television. They teach us how to take these events in stride by poking fun at the perpetrators.

Laughing it Up April 18 2014
Laughing it Up
April 18 2014

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