Monday, July 25, 2016

Political Conventions

One down and one to go.  The Republicans had their convention in Cleveland, Ohio, and the Democrats will have theirs in Philadelphia, Pa.  Being a political junkie, I watch television coverage from beginning to end, and listen to all the speeches.  When panels of political experts with opposing views argue the pros and cons, I listen.  Aside from the political views, I pay attention to body language and how speakers appear on camera. 

There is a marked difference between how men and women give their speeches.  Women wear their hair in the latest fashion that often covers their face when turning their head, distracting viewers from the point they are trying to make.  They could take a tip from the Queen of England who never lets her hats, or other clothing prevent the public from seeing her face.

As I watch and listen to speakers, I become critical of men and women who constantly wave their hands and bounce their heads in attempt to illustrate their point.  Women tend to talk with their hands more than men do.  The sound of a speakers voice is also something I note.  Some women speakers have a shrill voice which becomes a screech when reinforcing a point of view or when an argument gets hot and heated.

I take notice of the suits and neckties men wear.  Tailoring and choice of tie gets my attention.  I compare fabric designs as well as color when several men are on camera.  I'm less critical of women if they look 'professional' meaning they are appropriately dressed and not looing as if they are dining out on a date.

My critical evaluattions of speakers won't stop me from watching all the political speeches.  I'll be sitting thru the Democratic convention just as avidly as I did the Republican one.  And when the conventions are over, there will be several months of debates and speeches to listen to.  Of course we won't know the outcome until November when a final vote decides who our next president will be.

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