Thursday, October 20, 2016

Election Stress Disorder

I'm suffering from election stress disorder from the, "he said", "she said" stuff in the campaign speeches of the two most disliked nominees in history; both wanting to be president.  After listening to their last scheduled debate, my stress level has skyrocketed!

Where did we go wrong?
Bring me a person to match my mountains.
Bring me a person to match my plains.
A person with empires in their purpose and new eras in their brains.
paraphrased quote of Sam Walter Foss

1 comment:

Kimosabe said...

I think we need a new option: None of the Above

We could then have a Do Over and hopefully the various constituencies would pay a tad bit more attention to proceedings.

We really don't want be "stuck" like the Brits with their BREXIT catastrophe.

Except... It looks like we will be... only worse.