Saturday, February 03, 2018

The Far Horizon

[Editor's Post]

It seems just a short time ago we started MrsB's blog but it has been more than a decade! So many great stories have been passed along and many of the tellers are no longer with us. The treasury of stories remains a reminder of what family is: a living experience.

Even when members pass away, their wisdom and humor remain with us and give us insights and hope and laughter when we take a moment to reflect on who we are, the directions we selected and the paths we next decide to follow.

We are introducing a re-introduction to some of those wonderful stories with a monthly feature: The Far Horizon. We will select a story from the past to reprint and revisit. After all, this is what we do went we gather together sharing the stories of our lives.
  • "Do you remember ..."
  • "There was this time ..."
  • "How could we forget about ..."
  • "I laughed so hard ...."

So take a moment to share the memories, we're happy to have you with us.

KimB Editor

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