Sunday, July 19, 2020

A Lasagna Story by D. Vour

Lasagna – 1971

In 1970-71, I was attending the University of Bordeaux in France. On spring break my girlfriend and I went to spend 2 weeks with friends in England. They lived about a 40 minute  drive out of London in a wonderful modern 2 story cottage that overlooked a huge tract of land that had previously been the US 8th Air Force base in the Great War. In 1970 it was a vast tract of fields with copses' of trees on either side of an old crumbling runway … nice view!

It was a lovely and idyllic tract. The perfect place for hi-brow equestrian shenanigans – “Hunting to the Hounds”. We were entertained twice watching large packs of aristocrats and beagles – in their native setting – "Riding to the Hounds", on magnificent steeds – showing amazing horsemanship; jumping fences and rock walls, and dodging trees and low branches .. howling hounds and a yelping fox on the run --- just like a movie – but I digress.

'Buffy' and Allen were a delightful young couple – By day, he was a successful banker in London’s financial district, with bowler hat and brolly; the classic look. By night he was a folk music fan and musician. He rode the daily commute train to London, but the 40 minute drive by car was scenic, passing through Sherwood Forest of fame.

I happened to meet Allen by chance in a famous London music store – when I was passing thru on my way to Paris .. He heard my American accent and we struck up a conversation about musicians we knew in common. After chatting a bit, I was hungry and he invited me for a quick trip to the next door pub – for a pint and some fantastic free food; we became friends. He invited me and my girlfriend to stay and visit on our next school break.

Spring Break rolled up and we headed to London.

We had a wonderful spring break visit with our friends – lots of sightseeing and shopping. For fun we were able to swap classic meals and dishes of the UK and USA – they made us wonderful 'puddings' and other traditional food .. bangers and mash, Indian foods and such. We were able to share some 'classic' American cooking for them .. to everyone’s culinary delight !

One Saturday morning we got up early and went down the country lane to gather wild blackberries along the road .. and made a big mess of blackberry pancakes with maple syrup for breakfast for all. Flapjacks were a totally a new experience for them and a huge hit. It was repeated once more by request before leaving … I think from all the oooh's and ahhh's, flapjacks beat out the old familiar crepes , and were enthusiastically received !!

For our farewell dinner – and to show our gratitude -- we decided to make a classic deluxe lasagna …with which, they were totally unfamiliar - and had never tasted. A new treat!

It took most of the day running from one village to another – finding small specialty shops to source all the needed ingredients for a real classic lasagna. We got everything needed!

We shooed everyone out of the kitchen whilst we made the lasagna. Once in the oven - as it baked - the house filled with a wonderful aroma of sauces and cheeses – smelling better and better as time passed. Soon everyone’s mouth was watering, and we could barely wait for dinner. The lasagna was a huge hit – tasting even better than it smelled.
The next day, they were still super enthused about the lasagna, and wanted us to tell them how to make it.

We were running tight for time – our London train was about to pull out – so in the bustle to make the train, amidst hugs and goodbyes' , we hurriedly told them the main bits of the recipe. The conductor was shooing us insistently to board immediately as the train lurched into motion.

With goodbye waves, we called out the final ingredients and cooking directions as we picked up steam ! With thumbs up, and big farewell waves, we were headed to London. – all agreeing to meet again over the winter holidays. We returned to school in France

When the Christmas holiday came, we decided to have a classic English Christmas at the invitation of our UK friends. We were headed back to London.

A grand journey ensued – riding the famed the 'Night Train to Paris' .. then connections to the Hovercraft flight over the channel .. the train to London .. finally meeting up at Charring Cross Station. We arrived after a fun trip , but had barely gotten off the train when Buffy and Allen spotted us. First off – before howdy's and hello's , we got questioned about the Lasagna recipe !!? – It was clear this was important ?! We ambled down the platform toward the street …

What kind of cheese did you say to use ? “ – they urgently asked !!

Ricotta” !

Oh my ! – that explains a lot !?!? “ 

That’s when they regaled us with an amazing culinary adventure. They were so impressed with our lasagna meal, they wanted to show off – for the boss and some special guests.

They had followed our instructions perfectly, but during 'cocktails', whilst it baked .. it was soon clear from the aroma wafting from the kitchen, that this wasn’t the warm cozy comfort food aroma they expected !? The aroma became an odor, and more pungent as the clock ticked away, and soon the place started to reek ! Guests were politely stepping outside! 

Enough is enough !!!!

Holding his breath, Allen bravely ran into the kitchen and pulled the foul smelling lasagna pan from the oven – whisking it directly out the back door directly into the trash can !

What on earth ??” – we asked in astonishment – wondering what happened ?

They said simultaneously –

.. We thought you said – Roquefort ! !??”

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