Thursday, July 23, 2020

El Rancho S-OH-S Part 12 by KimB

Episode Candles

No House...

  No Well...

    ...No Power

Act 1 Scene 12 Candles
sound effect: phone ringtones

Moi Allo?
Power Hi! Good News!
We have done all the preliminary work to install the electrical power, and everything is Good To Go!
Moi Ohh?
Power Yes! All the paper work is done, the technical drawings are completed, the electrical load calculated. All Good.
Moi Hmm?
Power So we are ready to move forward with a contract, which will include the bill of materials and pricing.
Moi Ummm?
Power And we have just checked and you are eligible for a special limited offer of a matching grant to help offset costs.
Moi Oooh???
Power Let me see, yes there it is... yes.. yes... your deposit fully covers all costs!
Moi Ahhhh?
Power You won't be charged for upgrading the transformer or upgrades on our power pole!
Moi Ehhh??
Power Let me look further ... there's more. You are going to get 75% of your deposit refunded too!
Moi Oi??
Power Yes, yes and we can start in a few days.
Yes things are moving right along.
Moi Eeehh?
Power Just a few more items to fill out...
Moi Ummm?
Power The house is built, right?
The well is in and ready to connect, right?
Moi Aaah?
Power You do have a house built?
Moi Eep?
Power Oh... no house.
You do have the well drilled and pumps ready?
Moi Eeeps?
Power Oh. We have a problem ....
Moi Ayeee?
Power WE, Do Not provide power for
  1. general lighting
  2. equipment or machinery use
  3. recharging stations
  4. security cameras
  5. computer systems
Moi Huh?
Power WE are THE Public Electrical Utility
but we only provide electricity to homes or wells.
Moi Aarrp?
No House...

  No Well...

    ...No Power
Moi Wha???
Power You will have to use candles.

End Act 1 Scene 12 Candles
sound effect: click, dead air

Candle Power
Candle Power

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