Sunday, June 07, 2009


June is bustin’ out all over. It’s my birthday month.

I’ll be 87 on the 15th!

That, of course, is a most important event, at least as far as I’m concerned, but June also represents the National interest in a myriad of other topics. Depending on your sense of humor and/or interest, here is a short list:

National Dairy
Great Outdoors
Adopt a Cat
Drive Safe
Fruit and Vegetables
Iced Tea
National Safety
Potty Training
Turkey Lovers
Zoo and Aquariums

As a child, I took delight in sharing my birthday with a famous Opera singer, Madam Schumann Heink. I only knew about her from reading a newspaper column of events happening on that day. I was an adult when I actually read anything about her other than her birthday and discovered that she was a brilliant and world famous singer.

I’m glad I celebrated her birthday along with mine for years, even as she faded from memory and renown as a diva.

For the last 65 years I have celebrated D Day. Perhaps the better word is ‘Marked’ not ‘Celebrate’. This year the speeches, the 21 gun salute, the fly over of planes and Obama’s remarks made it seem more poignant than in years past. The Crosses in the cemetery, each with a fluttering flag, brought forth emotions of patriotism that Nazism and Fascism were defeated, but they are also reminders that we are engaged in two wars.

It seems as if the only time we have a short period of peace is when our economy is bankrupt and we have to mend our ways. Then when the economy has gained back the ability to sustain a new war action we find ourselves involved in another righteous fight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HIPPO BIRDIES TWO EWES !! ... congratz on making it this far .. now for the next 87 ... hehe

You are a wonderful writer ... keep up the good blogging !

R. Cane