Monday, November 16, 2009

Meeting Albert the first time

[note: this story was written by my son Bob]

When I was about 10 or so ... I was visiting Great-Grandma and Aunt Bessie ... in Long Beach. I had been helping out in the kitchen... I think we had been fixin’ a Holiday dinner most of the day, I’m pretty sure it was Christmas, as it required a lot of preparations ... I was doing whatever I was asked to do, slice vegetables, stir pots, carry this ... and so on… as there had been quite the general commotion goin' on in the kitchen all day, and a lot of great smells emanating throughout the place. From time to time Bessie would say ‘wouldn’t it just be wonderful if Albert could be with us to enjoy this’, but apparently he was not expected anytime soon… I wasn’t really sure who Albert was, but it was clear that his presence would be welcomed.

I had been really enjoying my visit, and was learning [being taught] how to get around in a kitchen, and make myself useful. I loved spending time with Grams and Bessie, and was having a grand time learning from Grams… about the intricacies of preparing food her way… and of course it took amazing willpower [or possibly the odd stern look] not to try all the baked goods and various foods. Everything was just about ready to go and since it was almost dark outside, it was time to eat.

Whilst Grams and Bessie were hard at it in the kitchen, stirring pots, checking on the doneness of various things, and generally getting everything ready, I was implementing my skills – having learned how to set the table properly - and was busy placing the silverware and serving plates and bowls on the table ‘just so’, when suddenly there was an unexpected loud knock at the front door. Everyone in the kitchen was quite involved and since I was closest, I was asked to answer the door...

When I opened the door, there was a young soldier standing there, with a duffel bag at his side. He was dressed in full dress uniform with what appeared to me to be lots of badges and stripes and all sorts of regalia. I was astonished to say the least, as this was the last thing I expected, and my jaw must've dropped wide open. It was the very first time I had ever been face to face with a 'real' soldier… and I was dumbfounded.

Needless to say I had no idea who it was, but the soldier – seeing my consternation - politely asked – in stage whispered loud voice – ‘Was there a Bessie Denison there?’ Simultaneously voices came from the kitchen asking, 'who is it?' The cat must've had my tongue, as it took me a moment to gather myself, and I hollered back 'It's some soldier!?'

Well, my goodness, talk about a genuine commotion from the kitchen, there was a whoop and holler, and one asked 'is it Albert?', and the other declared ‘IT MUST BE ALBERT?!’

The soldier got a BIG smile, and made the international finger across the lips sign to me to be silent, and we were immediately joined in a conspiracy of silence – and we waited for the ladies to come and see who it was. He kept indicating I shouldn't let out an answer, so of course when they came around the corner to see, you would have thought the saints had come marching in!! There was all kinds of and clapping, and hugging and crying, and more hugging and more crying and lots of laughing... and so many 'we weren't expecting you’s, mixed in with ‘we were secretly hoping you’d come’ ... and 'what a wonderful surprise' ... Somewhere in all the to-do there were several stern comments from Bessie about ‘calling ahead’ and not ‘giving everyone the palpitations’. I think Albert said something like ... 'well I was just in the neighborhood so I thought I'd stop by'... and then gave me a conspiratorial wink! I realized he was family and kin to me-some kind of way, so that made it even better. And now I knew a real soldier!

I was SO happy that they were happy, and I loved the way Albert pulled me into his surprise. We became instant pals ... and he was so grown up and he took such an interest in me... that we just became great pals... although, I must say... I was as surprised as anyone ... and even felt a wee bit jealous that he'd taken my thunder - Grams and Bessie always doted on me whenever I visited - but I could tell that his arrival made them so happy, that I couldn't be upset for more than a passing moment.

He settled in, put his duffel bag in the corner, rolled up his sleeves and we got the table set and the food served...and the meal was ever so much better ... ... it was probably the best meal ever, glowing with love and joy, and all kinds of wonderful stories of family, news updates, how he was able to get home early from the Army to surprise everyone, his worldly travels, and so many other wonderful and exciting tales to me, that I was rapt and couldn’t take my eyes off him! After dinner I had to ask him about all his uniform medals and medallions and military regalia, and what were they for, and he patiently explained all the patches and insignia. It was clear that we liked each other instantly. He enjoyed my curiosity, and I was so pleased to know a genuine soldier.

From that first surprise meeting, I've always had the fondest place in my heart for Albert. He was always like a big brother to me, and I have often recalled the joy of that evening, and the indelible image of him standing in the door in his dress uniform - so young and handsome. It seems as if it was just yesterday. My, how time passes. It makes me feel old. I am sorry he is gone, and even though I will miss him, I will always see that young soldier grinning at the door with a twinkle in his eye, fully knowing his arrival would be a wonderful surprise.

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