Saturday, July 28, 2012

So How Does YOUR Garden Grow?


"So, how's the garden doing?" you ask. In short: FANTASTIC!

Stuff is popping up and overflowing everywhere. Here's a run down of what's happening.

Pot 1: Taters

They are going "a house a fire" as Grams would have said. The pot is full of green stalks each of which is a tater plant. Part A of the strategy is working; at least I have a pot of green stalks.

Pot 2: Bush Beans

They now have flowers on them but our recent heat wave (+106F) sort of left them a bit dazed but they are perking up well. It also helps I'm giving them more water too since our Central California Summer is starting up.

Pot 3: Cherry Tomatoes

We've had several small harvests and added them to salads and they taste.... YUMMMM!

Pot 4: Pot Cucumbers

I don't think they understood the word “pot”, as they are growing and vining everywhere! They have lovely small yellow flowers though and nice green leaves. Nothing yet but I'm hopeful.

Pot 5: Pot Zucchini

Now surprisingly, these guys know the word “pot” and I have 2 plants that are large but not overflowing. They have the standard zucchini look and flowers but it took me a bit to realized that the veggie part was sort of a dwarf zucchini.

The plants have rather large stickers on them and I use plastic gloves to reach in and get the harvest. I also found out you need to harvest when the flower is still open. These dwarf zucchini's don't get any bigger like the traditional zucchini.

I see them in the stores now called Gourmet or Petite veggies. We've had several harvests and they are just wonderful sliced raw on a salad.

Pot 6: Tomato

It's a tomato! We have several green ones but no harvests yet. So nothing there to brag about.

Pot 7: Watermelon

Hmmm... I dunno here. I have a lot of plants with pretty leaves and some have flowers but I thought watermelons were going to vine like the cucumbers and flow over the pot sides, but these are not doing that. I think they should be having a chat with those cucumbers.

Past Harvest Report:

My garlic was not successful though. I harvested it, and well, it was rather a disappointment. Not even really garlic. So no “stinking roses” for me.

But the carrots made up for it. I harvested out the two pots and I had about 15 lbs of wonderful and colorful carrots! We've had them in salads, soups and stews. These will be on the winter plant list for sure!

Pot Zucchini Flower
Pot Zucchini Flower
Cherry Tomatoes and Petite Zucchini
Cherry Tomatoes and Petite Zucchini

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