Saturday, May 28, 2016

My New Project

My new project is one that will take some time to accomplish: I'm reading a book upside down.

I had read that reading a book upside down was a "brain game" so I decided to give it a try. I browsed through my books looking for a font that would be easy to read upside down, but all my books had the same size printing. I selected 'The Stranger' by Albert Camus, a translation from the French by Mathew Ward and began reading, but it wasn't long before I decided it would be better as a beginning upside down reader, to choose something a bit lighter.

After sorting through the books, I picked an Alexander McCall Smith book, 'In The Company Of Cheerful Ladies' which is a charming book with engaging characters, and one of his series about 'The NO. 1 Ladies Detective Agency'. We are so practiced in reading that we intuitively understand meanings of words and sentences without checking the dictionary, but in reading upside down, I often have to spell out a word in order to decipher it and know its pronunciation.. Consequently, I can't anticipate the next word in a sentence. I also have to pay attention to punctuation in order to keep the thread of the story making sense.

Its slow going and it will be some time before I can sail through the pages like I do reading right side up. It will be a while before I actually finish chapter 1... and there are 21 chapters total. I'll update my progress from time to time.

1 comment:

Kimosabe said...

Reading upside down is a valuable skill. You could get a job with the NSA/CIA or US Diplomatic Corps maybe President Obama would send you on a mission to upside-down-read Chancellor Angela Merkel memos as they sit on her desk. Then NSA wouldn't need to tap her cell phone calls to her Mum...

Mother's doctor appoint Tues 3pm
Mutter Arzttermin 15.00 Uhr

(Google translate for better or worse)