Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The OH SHYTE Presidential moment by KimB

So... Here we are. On the brink of exercising our US voting rights (ahem, ahem... well, some of us are) and voting in a New President. Prospects are looking pretty grim. The winner of the Kentucky Derby looks to be a better candidate for the Triple Crown than any of the current crop of Presidential Hopefuls are for President. This season's Presidential Post Parade is particularly ugly.

Not that many years ago, I posted about what the election of Barack Obama meant to me. About how he appeared to embody all the best of America: Honesty, Integrity and his sworn oath to uphold the Constitution of the USA. He was portrayed as a constitutional lawyer and professor.

I figured: who better would understand the requirements and the empowerment of that document than a person who has seen both sides of how it CAN be used and how it SHOULD be used. You know, the We the People, sort of thing.

The Change We Can Believe In quickly became the Change I Couldn't Believe Was Happening.

As I've moved into the more mature category of life, I often wondered what actually happens to makes someone do a 180 as soon as they hit public office. Corruption, bribes, PACs, SUPERPACs, sweetheart deals and paybacks are part of the landscape but this particular U-Turn was more hurtful than others.

No one expected Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, to do a 180 on his Trickle Down/Supply Side economics, when Milton Friedman was a regular on the TV talk show circuit describing how all that wealth at the top of the pyramid was going to trickle down to the homeless, poor and hungry at the bottom.

What Milton said was true, in a way. The money did trickle down but not to the bottom of the pyramid.

It over-flowed into fake corporations, tax doge havens and flooded into hidden bank accounts located in places like the Bahamas, Panama, Luxemburg, Jersey (UK). For the stay at home tax avoidance group there is Delaware, Nevada, Wyoming and Oregon and other localities banking on a new growth industry: hiding the wealth of the 1%.

It flowed in and took up permanent residence. A stagnant pool of funds large enough to wipe out world poverty without ever bothering the 1% who can't even remember where they stashed it all.

But the corruption, incompetence and self-serving opportunism doesn't cover the whole ground. People do have some moral compass, although there have been claims that anyone who runs for President with the ability to annihilate the world in 3 seconds, by definition is NOT the person you want to be running the show and having that Red Phone follow them around.
[aside: I guess by now its a little red iPhone with an NSA tracker in it and the keypad lock code disabled. If they didn't disable the keypad code, the FBI might have to pay another $1,000,000 for the zero-day exploit to unlock the phone.

Imagine: having to push the damn button but the keypad is locked. Then having to pay a 3d party black hat to come unlock it for you...

How Embarrassing!!!

WWWIII postponed while we wait for the All Writs Act to force those Italian Black Hats to come open the phone for free.

No wonder Comey, Burr and Feinstein want to ban encryption. Maybe the President accidently locked the phone while playing Smurfs?]
There must be something else that happens shortly after election and becomes evident after the inauguration. Something no one expects. Something so horrible that it cannot be spoken aloud. Something so cataclysmic that people with good sense and judgment go completely ape-shit off the chart.

Well, now we know what it is: It's a meeting with:
Michael Hayden and the OH SHYTE moment.
How do we know?

Because Mr. Hayden told us. He told the world.

Just like he told us that there is never going to be a requirement for a warrant in the US, because warrants are only needed for UNUSUAL searches. If all searches are defined to be "USUAL", then no warrants are needed. (It's easy, when you know how to play the re-definition game.)

So what is the OH SHYTE MOMENT?

That's when Mr. Hayden and his successors, take the candidate into the woodshed and scare the crap out of them for hours and hours. They put 'em on the toilet so they don't have to clean up the mess and tell them enough to keep them compliant and in line with the views of the security services, the military and a lot of other people who would be very very very unhappy if something changed.

Just as they are experts in interrogation, they also are experts in manipulation. No one is going to stand up to the unified onslaught.

... the intelligence agencies went one better by drawing Obama in with what Hayden calls the “aw shit moment” – a briefing that so alarmed the president with the enormity of the threats the country faced that he embraced the bulk of the NSA and CIA’s anti-terror programmes.

“National security looks different from the Oval office than it does from a hotel room in Iowa,” Hayden says. “It was the reality. So [Obama] gets rid of the black sites. But he keeps rendition. We still do it. He gets briefed on metadata and he keeps it.”

General Michael Hayden, retired.
Former head of the CIA, NSA and Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence.
9 March 2016

So, imagine what you would do?
  • Here's THE Button.
  • You have 3 seconds to press it.
  • Go ahead. Give it a go.
  • .
  • We locked the keypad ....

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