Saturday, August 27, 2016


Games are such an important part of our lives, we must have a game gene.  we even start playing games within hours of being born; our fist game is called peek-a-boo.  During the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics, 28 different games were played.  An additional 5 games will be included in the 2020 Summer games.

Each Olympic game is represented by an International governing body or Federation and the International Olympic Committee determines which games will be included in the events.  For any game to be part of the Olympics, they must be widely practiced in at least 75 countries, spread over 4 continents.

All sports are considered games, but not all games are sport.  The difference being sports have an athletic or physical element.  While I watched the various Olympic events, I realized many of our favorite games include playing with a ball.  There are probably more, but here are some I thought of:

baseball, soccer, basketball, football, golf, tennis, ping pong, catch, doge ball, jacks, bowling, jai alai, croquet, billiards, soft ball, la cross, cricket, field hockey, and water polo.  One thing leads to another and I thought about how we use sticks to play:  golf, fishing, baseball........ENOUGH  ALREADY  !!!!!

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